‘We Ride at Dawn’: The Federalist Came For Dolly Parton, Now Her Fans Are Coming For Them


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When is The Federalist going to learn that it’s a mistake to go after intensely popular and beloved pop stars just for the sake of contrarianism?

Not any time soon, going by their new attack on country music icon Dolly Parton. In an article published Thursday entitled “There’s Nothing Loving About Dolly Parton’s False Gospel” — which, it should be noted, is already based on a false premise because Dolly Parton does not preach a gospel as much as she just says things — contributor Ericka Anderson criticized Parton for declaring “love is love” when it comes to the LGBTQ+ community. She also took issue with Parton not wanting to judge others, calling it a “get out of jail free card”:

Parton often defaults to humility as her reason for staying out of politics and partisanship.
“I’m not a good enough person or a good enough Christian to judge and criticize other people,” she told [Drew Barrymore].
This, however, is her “get out of jail free” card. Who’s going to argue with it? She’s not alone in this avoidance tactic. Christians often use the “let him who is without sin cast the first stone” Scripture verse to sidestep addressing sin directly. Parton does exactly the same thing here.
How dare she cite the BIBLE to promote tolerance and love for everyone.

But fans of Parton did not even have to read this article to declare their own war against The Federalist:
Hey, Earl- do you think that trolling should just be confined to you polluting MY threads ?

Haw, haw.................................haw.

The Federalist is out of its league going after a human being like Parton. She walks to walk with her generosity and character. I know Christians like her. THey live it instead of living to judge and hate.
They especially hate Dolly because she used to be a Conservative icon.
OMG the Federalist had a opinion about Dolly's opinion on religion. The Federalist and Dolly are both entitled to their opinions on religion. There are only millions of different opinions and have been for as long as there has been religion.
They especially hate Dolly because she used to be a Conservative icon.
That is a lie Jarod. I like Dolly because she is too smart to express her true feelings about politics. I honestly do not know if she is liberal or conservative or MAGA.
They especially hate Dolly because she used to be a Conservative icon.

And it is not her who has changed. She is of the school they used to call the 'Compassionate Conservative'.

Magats have shifted the party so far to the extreme right and into hate filled areas and xenophobia, that Dolly is closer to Bernie Sanders now, then she is to them.