We run 'em, Dems "Uncle Tom" 'em

J. Kenneth Blackwell, candidate for Govenor of Ohio.

Michael Steele, candidate for the US Senate (Maryland).

Lynn Swann, candidate for Govenor of Pennsylvania.

Alan Keyes, candidate for President of the United States and US Senate (Illinois).

A little background....

The right of African-Americans to serve in Congress was established (after the Democrats lost the Civil War) by the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments, all opposed by the Jackass Party.

The Thirteenth Amendment (ratified December 6, 1865), abolished slavery. It was opposed by the 'Crats.

The Fourteenth Amendment (ratified July 9, 1868) made all people born or naturalized in the United States citizens. It was opposed by Democrats.

The Fifteenth Amendment (ratified February 3, 1870) forbade the denial or abridgment of the right to vote on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude, and gave Congress the power to enforce the law by appropriate legislation. It was opposed by the party of slavery and racism.

In 1866, Congress passed the Civil Rights Act and the Reconstruction Act, which dissolved all governments in the former slave states with the exception of Gore's Tennessee, and divided the defeated Democrat racists into military districts to protect the rights of blacks. The act required the former slave states to ratify their constitutions conferring citizenship rights on blacks or forfeit their representation in Congress. The 'Crats responded by founding the KKK.

Jim Crow laws were a Democrat invention.

The 'Crats voted against Civil Rights repeatedly, and a Republican President had to send troops to enforce the equality of African-Americans in states controlled by the racist Jackass Party.

The party that kept "uppity" Blacks down for nearly 200 years is still at it.

Right now, Hildebeast is plotting a move to deprive the Black man who desrves it of the racist party's nomination. A former Kleagle is the longest-serving Democrat Senator.
J. Kenneth Blackwell, candidate for Govenor of Ohio.

Michael Steele, candidate for the US Senate (Maryland).

Lynn Swann, candidate for Govenor of Pennsylvania.

Alan Keyes, candidate for President of the United States and US Senate (Illinois).

A little background....

The right of African-Americans to serve in Congress was established (after the Democrats lost the Civil War) by the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments, all opposed by the Jackass Party.

The Thirteenth Amendment (ratified December 6, 1865), abolished slavery. It was opposed by the 'Crats.

The Fourteenth Amendment (ratified July 9, 1868) made all people born or naturalized in the United States citizens. It was opposed by Democrats.

The Fifteenth Amendment (ratified February 3, 1870) forbade the denial or abridgment of the right to vote on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude, and gave Congress the power to enforce the law by appropriate legislation. It was opposed by the party of slavery and racism.

In 1866, Congress passed the Civil Rights Act and the Reconstruction Act, which dissolved all governments in the former slave states with the exception of Gore's Tennessee, and divided the defeated Democrat racists into military districts to protect the rights of blacks. The act required the former slave states to ratify their constitutions conferring citizenship rights on blacks or forfeit their representation in Congress. The 'Crats responded by founding the KKK.

Jim Crow laws were a Democrat invention.

The 'Crats voted against Civil Rights repeatedly, and a Republican President had to send troops to enforce the equality of African-Americans in states controlled by the racist Jackass Party.

The party that kept "uppity" Blacks down for nearly 200 years is still at it.

Right now, Hildebeast is plotting a move to deprive the Black man who desrves it of the racist party's nomination. A former Kleagle is the longest-serving Democrat Senator.

Democrats didn't "Uncle Tom'em" .. black people did.

We know Toms when we smell 'em.

Now compare the few Uncle Toms you posted to the THOUSANDS of elected black democrats .. AND the next President of the United States .. a black democrat .. and if you had a brain you'd feel really stupid .. but you don't and you don't.
Now can you explain why blacks vote so overwhelmingly for democrats if what you say is true indiscriminate?
I don't know. I imagine the reasons are varied.

Black Americans -despite your racist assumptions - are individuals, not a monolothic bloc controlled by the DNC.