We should ban all abortion tools!

Seems to me, with over 4,000 unborn children being killed every day in America, this might be worthy of consideration. Liberals seem to think banning firearms will prevent tragedy like happened in CT, so it stands to reason, if we ban abortion tools, we'll save countless lives across America. After all, it's not really the actions of the people, it's the tools they use, right? It's not about responsibility of the individual, it's about the tools they have access to. Just like we're always going to have people who want to perpetrate violence on others, we will always have people who want to kill the unborn, so we should move to ban all tools used in the practice of abortion, and that will solve the problem!

Just saying.
the liberal wants to keep abortion legal because otherwise women will get the dreaded back-alley abortions. They don't care about the life of an unborn child, a clump of cells as they are wont to say. So your argument is like an arrow with no tip.

What you should focus on is the fact that they oppose banning abortion because they know criminals will still offer the service and desperate women will still have the procedure. This is because prohibitions do not work.

Banning guns will create an even greater black-market than already exists.

why are liberals such hypocrites?