Welcome to the "Bigs", Sarah!

The Bare Knuckled Pundit

Grand Inquisitor
In a history making move that played to John McCain’s image as a political maverick, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee revealed Alaskan Governor Sarah Palin as his running mate before a raucous crowd in the critical swing state of Ohio today. Coming on the heels of Senator Barack Obama’s history making acceptance speech as the first minority in American history to be a major party’s presidential nominee, McCain’s choice stunned Democrats and the media alike.

With speculation revolving around Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty and former McCain rival Mitt Romney as the two remaining contenders for the second slot on the Republican ticket, Palin’s selection was the political equivalent of a Stealth-delivered missile strike. Targeted at the weakened foundation of the Democratic Party’s female base, McCain sought to exploit the lingering tensions within the Party that resulted from the treatment of Senator Hillary Clinton over the course of her run for the Democratic presidential nomination.

Signaling the strategic logic behind her selection, Palin acknowledged that she followed in the footsteps of both 1984 Democratic vice presidential nominee Geraldine Ferraro and Senator Clinton; with Clinton having won an unprecedented 18 million votes in her unsuccessful run against Obama.

"Hillary left 18 million cracks in the highest, hardest glass ceiling in America. But it turns out the women of America aren't finished yet, and we can shatter that glass ceiling once and for all," the mother of five – three daughters and two sons- said.

The Palins' five children are Track, 19; Bristol 17; Willow 14; Piper, 7, and baby Trig; with Track having enlisted in the Army last September 11th and scheduled for deployment to Iraq in the near future.

Though Clinton unequivocally endorsed Obama and urged her supporters to rally around the Democratic nominee, McCain became convinced over the course of the Democratic Convention that bitter feelings from the primaries and Obama’s selection of Delaware Senator Joe Biden presented the Republican nominee with a tactical and historic opportunity. In choosing Palin, not only does McCain appeal to disgruntled Hillary supporters, but he also dispels the image of the Republican Party as a “Men’s Only Electoral Club”.

In the second year of her first term as Governor of Alaska, Palin, is the former mayor of Wasilla – a town of 9,000 that would have been lost amidst the 84,000 estimated to have attended Obama’s acceptance speech at Invesco Field Thursday night – with a reputation as a maverick and political reformer that compliments McCain’s image. Having been pilloried over recent months for abandoning his maverick roots while being assailed by the Republican base for not being conservative enough, McCain’s choice of Palin firmly establishes his bona fides on both fronts.

With a lifetime National Rifle Association membership, Palin is an avid hunter and outdoorswoman. Both opposed to gay marriage and pro-life, her inclusion on the Republican ticket is geared towards shoring up the Party’s conservative base while at the same time appealing to disaffected Hillary Clinton supporters.

Having recently given birth to her fifth child – Trig – her decision to have the baby despite prenatal testing that indicated he had Downs Syndrome was heavily applauded by the pro-life community. Rooted in her strong Christian faith and family values, Palin celebrated the Trig's birth, saying, "..We feel privileged that God would entrust us with this gift and allow us unspeakable joy as he entered our lives."

Accordingly, the McCain camp will sleep easier tonight, secure in the knowledge Palin's selection reinforces its' right flank. In doing so, it frees up resources and time that can be spent contesting the crucial middle ground of the electorate.

At 44, the highly photogenic Palin is three years younger than Senator Obama as well as two of her running mate’s children.

With little to no foreign policy experience to speak of, comparisons to what has often been characterized as a pandering attempt by Walter Mondale to attract women to the 1984 Democratic ticket by picking Geraldine Ferraro as his running are inevitable. Furthermore, Palin’s limited resume will be used as a foil to deflect what has been a primary attack strategy of both McCain and Clinton before him; questioning Obama’s experience and readiness to lead the nation.

Though Palin’s inclusion on the ticket opens the Republicans up to attack on previously unchallenged fronts, it can safely be said any of the finalists considered to be in the running for the second slot brought their own unique vulnerabilities and weaknesses with them.

In what may eventually be characterized as a tactical masterstroke, McCain’s choice of Palin could diminish the potential ferocity of Democratic vice presidential nominee Senator Joe Biden’s attacks on his Republican counterpart. Lest he be perceived as a bully attacking a mother of five, including an infant with Downs Syndrome, Biden must be mindful of how aggressive he assails Palin both on the campaign trail and in the lone vice presidential debate.

Nonetheless, Palin has a reputation as a scrappy pol that relishes combat in the political arena; when combined with Biden's zeal for "bloodying the nose" of his opponents makes the vice presidential debate must-see tv.

No longer are women relegated to a league of their own in either party, faithful readers. Welcome to the Bigs, Sarah! Stay tuned for further updates as events warrant and the Republicans warm up for the championship series next week in Minneapolis.