Welcome Too Canada To Pay Our Debt New Slaves Called Immigrants

David Jeffrey Spetch

Verified User
Just so you know, here in Canada we already have more people than homes but the Trudeau government obviously does not care as it instead spends money on anything else as if tens of millions of you potential immigrants thinking of coming to Canada already arrived years ago and are eager to bait you to come to pay our debt like a bunch of stupid imbeciles even though they have no decent plan to build new homes for you or us already suffering their retard convention. Of course they have made it so that in our economy it is next to impossible to afford to raise a family and at the same time claim that we are not procreating as justification to bring in more immigration. When you get here, just remember our food banks are already flooded lately so good luck if you were thinking of raising a family here or buying a home, or even renting a place to live.

The liberal so called government, I have come to recognize as a retard convention (deliberate ignorance towards fact = retardation), we have federally here in Canada has been doing all kinds of things to assure the general population in Canada are working as slaves while forcing oppression upon the public and working as slaves for a bunch of compulsive obsessive liars under many guises (the lies the use as pathetic excuse to try and pull the wool over everyone's eyes is the guise).

What will you be slaving for you wonder?

Well we have this sick and filthy easily baited World Economic Forum hate group of compulsive obsessive liars and deceivers commonly known as the LGBT going around pushing lies like pride on the public when not even one of them has one valid reason that there is to be proud of a man humping a man or a woman humping a woman. Go ahead and ask any of them, what is there to be proud of for a man humping a man or a woman humping a woman and they will desperately scramble to try and make anything else the issue because all they do is lie and deceive compulsively and obsessively when it comes to the foundation of their every issue to do with their sick little agenda I address. Yes they will evade giving you an answer to try and hide that they have no validity what so ever as they go around making the once beautiful rainbow look like a sick mockery in lieu of what it represents. But Trudeau seems to think Canadians deserve to be slaves for this sick little group of compulsive obsessive liars and deceivers so he funds them at tax payers expense to divide us and infuriate us with such a disgusting display to the point of now the LGBT seem to think that it's ok to treat society like garbage with a slew of lies and deceptions and because lies and deceptions infuriate people (lies have lead to war and divide for thousands of years) are stupid enough to act like those they infuriate with lies and deceptions are the problem. The recipe for attempting to make rational minded citizens criminals over factually exposed foundations of lies and deceptions. They claim that they feel unsafe and want even more funding this year for security even though they just got a hundred million at the end of 2022. So Trudeau funds them tax dollars to go around lying and deceiving and because they are lying and deceiving are funding them more money to continue to get away with lying and deceiving while attempting to infuriate citizens to make criminals out of us for being naturally disgusted with such sick behavior that the LGBT represents. Even the LGB stands against this radical group but because this isn't about homosexuals, lesbians and bisexuals that accept what sex they are conceived as thus will always be, the WEF and useful idiots do not even acknowledge them because their goal is to force oppression upon the general public with a slew of lies and deceptions while attempting to make criminals out of the general population and you, the new slaves are suppose to fund this disgusting filth. Yes welcome to Canada you dumb ignorant new slaves (hey don't get mad at me, it's the Trudeau government setting you up for this and quite obviously looking at you this way)

The WEF goes around having their useful idiots declaring this LGBT hate group as protected so they can be used to divide and conquer while attempting to oppress the public with some of the most sick and filthy lies and deceptions on the planet.

Leah Maier was let go by the Good Spirit School Division in Saskatchewan for simply sharing a LifeSiteNews article without comment in a private group. The district claimed she broke its code of conduct.


Rainbows on public buildings, shame flags with rainbows (they are obviously too ashamed of themselves for what they are to accept themselves for what they are thus pretend to be what they are not and will never be) and rainbows painted on city streets are a mark of forced oppression upon the public.

So here we have the Trudeau government funding the LGBT 100 million last year to pay for actors to join in a make them look like they have more numbers and show up to counter protests against the LGBT hate group along with marching in their shame parades guised as pride. He gave them a hundred million so they could force oppression on the National Hockey League and Baseball league as well as schools and the public in general and he did it under the guise of inclusion like you are suppose to want to have a group of imbeciles around treating you like garbage with a slew of lies and deceptions because Trudeau supports this protected hate group (WEF monkey wrench) using sick and filthy lies and deceptions to assist the WEF with dividing to conquer Canadians with complete rubbish and they do in many countries simultaneously in modern day. Again, it's like forcing people to invite murderers to a baby shower under the guise of inclusion, it's like forcing people to invite thieves to an art gallery under the guise of inclusion, it's like forcing people to invite rapists to a womans day event and it's like sitting down to a delicious steak dinner only to have feces dumped on your plate under the guise of inclusion. Welcome to Canada new slaves.

The sick joke is on hockey, baseball and the public in general of which players who do not go along with their sick LGBT agenda get slandered over the main stream media because the main stream media is a sock puppet of liberal policy which is composed by useful idiots working for the WEF of which the WEF own allot of the main stream media so you go along with their mentally redundant lies and deceptions or they threaten to slander anyone under the guise of inclusion let alone have you fired or sue you etc. (they lie they use to try and force oppression on the public with a slew of disgusting lies and deceptions). Soon you won't get the best players in sports here in Canada, you will get the leftovers that are willing to lie for the sick little LGBT hate group of which there will be sports just not professional. I mean who wants to watch all of the people who are not the best, just the one's willing to lie for a sick little hate group? Yeah professional sports are quickly becoming a sick joke about politics based upon factually proven foundations of lies and deceptions instead of professional sports.

I kick butt on guitar but do you think I want to become rich and famous just to get sued and hand it over to a bunchy of sick compulsive obsessive lying deceiving imbeciles?! I'd rather be poor. Here in Collingwood I played at the waterfront across from the Terminals and kicked butt as usual with only my own original music. I talked to people etc and mentioned it would be nice if there was a bench because there was none. That was three weeks ago, a couple of nights ago I went along the water and noticed a brand new bench right where I was sitting. If you were in Collingwood and heard me that night, well that was me and now you know why I never perused it and I do not even busker. I only play when I feel like it for my own enjoyment.

I find it quite obvious that Justin Trudeau cares nothing for heterosexuals being robbed of what we are by some homosexual pretending to be the opposite sex as he supports you being furious by being robbed of the right to be heterosexual to be labelled as something that doesn't even exist which they made up called transphobe, he cares nothing about destroying children's genitals under the guise of inclusion, he cares nothing for female inmates being forcefully raped by some trans sicko, here cares nothing for female athletic champions being robbed of titles by some trans sicko because he is assisting the WEF with dividing and conquering Canadians under the guise of inclusion with a slew of cheap redundant and pathetic lies and deceptions. The reason women are not in men's leagues / sports is for this reason but leave it up to the lgbt hate group to make a sick mockery of everything they get involved with and to deliberately infuriate the public in hopes to make criminals out of you while you pay for these sick and filthy liars and deceivers security. Welcome to Canada you dumb sheep like slaves. (Remember it's not me treating you like slaves it's the Trudeau retard convention working for the WEF.)

You want to slave for that garbage, sure come to Canada and pay off our debt for this crap. You speak against such sick and filthy lies and the fringe minority (WEF members and their useful idiots grooming main stream to defecate on the public while also forcing policy into school boards that protect sick and filthy, disgusting low life scum bag hate groups such as the LGBT.) Excellent to see rational minded individuals pulling their kids out of school to get away from such sick, filthy and disgusting garbage and infuriating to see people fired for opposing such disgusting filth in our schools. That woman should eb given a medal as opposed to how she was treated for sharing a news story.

Ok let's move on too useful idiots signing things to absolve big pharma being held responsible for what their jab cocktails did to people while also placing us another billion or so in debt to pay for jabs that were not even vaccines. (let's not forget that the CDC replaced the definition of vaccine with their lies and deceptions Sept. 10 2021 so the WEF's big pharma could use their useful idiots like Trudeau to steal from tax payers anyway)

OK I could make a whole list but again lets talk about coming to Canada to slave for a climate change hoax. You know the one where they claim humans are responsible for their climate change rhetoric and yet not one of them can prove that 3% of the Earth's surface area occupied by humans raise the Earth's atmospheric temperature even 0.000001 degree yet they try and blame the weather and disasters on humans (the guise) to use to force their narrative of killing your economy to assist with divide, conquer and enslave you while tax payers are made to fund ridiculous alternatives such as electric cars and electric everything else they can think of. So you lose your job with decent pay and if lucky to find another one at minimum wage where you are headed for life living out of a cardboard box. I included a video of which it reveals that many fires started at the precise same time like groups of radicals are deliberately lighting them under the guise of the climate crisis hoax. These WEF greed bags, since many of them already got rich off of oil and resort to other things are trying to make themselves look like the good guy with a slew of lies and deceptions by attempting to condemn oil to support their lie and deception scam now known as the climate crisis hoax and replacing all other energy with electric so they can drive the proice of electric up while placing citize3ns under threat of losing power if we don't go along with their sick and filthy lies and deceptions I am sure.

Oh and let's not forget the First Nations etc. (You know, those who's ancestors wanted nothing to do with governing so they got land claim treaties instead and now they seem to think they should get to keep their land claims while getting the benefits of governing services at tax payers expense) not paying taxes for governing services and turning around claiming that they are being discriminated against for not getting services that tax payers get and because they do not get the services that tax payers pay for at the expense of tax payers seem to think is justification to lie claiming discrimination. Again, let's not forget that their ancestors wanted land claims to chief themselves because they wanted not anything to do with governing. Current generations seem to think they should get to keep their land claims while having tax payers fund their governing services when their ancestors wanted land claims because they wanted nothing to do with governing in the first place which is reason to invalidate land claims and they can pay taxes like everyone else for governing services. Oh but the Trudeau gov't and WEF conspire with them to rob tax payers like they do with the LGBT to kill our economy while dividing, conquering and enslaving with a slew of lies and deceptions. Sure they conspired with WEF useful idiots within the UN and are now lying claiming genocide when if there was First Nations genocide, the First Nations wouldn't exist to lie3 and deceive with such rubbish. Not all of the First Nations people are such idiots but the ones who conspire with the WEF, like Trudeau does are. Let's not forget no one originated from North America but they lie to you anyway to try and make themselves out to be something they are not. Homo sapiens the world over originated from Africa hence we are all indigenous / aboriginal of Earth originating from Africa. Oh let's not forget what the religious did to the First Nations etc. and they even got an apology from the Vatican but here in Canada it doesn't matter if you are even not religious because it's the tax payers who get sued for what religious low life's did. Then the First Nations have the nerve to go on about freedom of religion like they deliberately live with their heads up their back sides. (Not all First nations etc. are this mentally redundant so don't get mad at all of them for this, it's just the ignorant and greedy, selfish types conspiring with the WEF and their useful idiots.)

Welcome to Canada to pay our debt for such disgusting filth you bunch of new dumb slaves (remember it's the Trudeau retard convention treating you like this and not me) where they already plan on enslaving you for a bunch of greed bags who lie compulsively and obsessively to divide, conquer and enslave you.

Tyrants / useful idiots have got to go. Lies need to be removed from legislation so we can salvage our country. Homes need to be built to house those already here to salvage our lives.

I could go on and on citing many things as I already have recently but let's get to this rather refreshing video.

Here we have a sweet little gem in Canada of which I like many of her videos because many of them are good and she is rather charming. Here we have who we know in Canada as WhatsHerFace on her WHF Entertainment Youtube channel.

If you are planning on coming to Canada, get ready to work for peanuts to pay off our debt because of a slew of lies and deceptions slave.


Primary Factual Fundamentalist
World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Collingwood Ontario Canada
Ps. Be good be strong!