Well, at Least it was a Good Super Bowl!


New member
Super Tuesday: Hold onto your Wallets!

The one conclusion from Super Tuesday, if things hold, is that Americans will be poorer in the near future. All three front runners, Clinton, Obama, and McCain voted against Bush's tax cuts and these will be expiring in 2010. So if it's always been your lifetime dream to give more money to the government, so that they can decide what to do with it, instead of you, then you're a happy person. Furthermore, if you're comfortable that your wife, your kids, your neighbors, and all of your friends will be doing the same in the future, then you've gotta be elated with how the election is going thusfar. Additionally, since it's been proven that higher taxes mean higher unemployment, be prepared for more lost jobs as the tax hikes sink in.

Everyone seems to be campaigning on change. Sounds like changes are comin!
Super Tuesday: Hold onto your Wallets!

The one conclusion from Super Tuesday, if things hold, is that Americans will be poorer in the near future. All three front runners, Clinton, Obama, and McCain voted against Bush's tax cuts and these will be expiring in 2010. So if it's always been your lifetime dream to give more money to the government, so that they can decide what to do with it, instead of you, then you're a happy person. Furthermore, if you're comfortable that your wife, your kids, your neighbors, and all of your friends will be doing the same in the future, then you've gotta be elated with how the election is going thusfar. Additionally, since it's been proven that higher taxes mean higher unemployment, be prepared for more lost jobs as the tax hikes sink in.

Everyone seems to be campaigning on change. Sounds like changes are comin!

So lets see how ignorant you are jollie. I feel like John Adams amongst the Federalists, sandwiched between morons and abortionists (in his case, fanatics and populists):

1. Do you know why McCain opposed the tax cuts?
2. Do you know how McCain has voted the two times they had to be extended?