Well Congratulations to Liberals


New member
And if I could offer some advice. You now have more political capital than you will ever have, it only goes down from here. So now is the best time to implement the hardest or less popular part of your agenda which is cutting the military budget and eliminating the Patriot Act and restrictions on civil liberties.
Dems had the courage to cut the military in the early 90's and you need to find the courage to do it now.

Best of luck.

As for me, I am not too interested in sticking around and bringing up pretty much any issue only to hear chides about Bush being worse or cleaning up Bush's mess and complete avoidance of any accountability. Better things to do, like run my business or anything really.

Some of these "congrats" sound so bitter. Mine was much more heartfelt in '04...
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And if I could offer some advice. You now have more political capital than you will ever have, it only goes down from here. So now is the best time to implement the hardest or less popular part of your agenda which is cutting the military budget and eliminating the Patriot Act and restrictions on civil liberties.
Dems had the courage to cut the military in the early 90's and you need to find the courage to do it now.

I would have voted for Obama if he would have actually run a campaign on reducing military spending and rescinding the Patriot Act and other violations of civil liberties. I would have overlooked his absurd proposals for the national service crap or the fangled ideas on health care. I could have even overlooked his support for the welfare bailout (because all of the major players did, too) if he would have been seriously talking about reducing military spending and restoring our civil liberties. But Obama didn't even really talk about these ideas. In fact, he's mentioned increasing military spending and continuing our world-cop, interventionist policies overseas. Sure, he wants to reduce troop levels and withdraw our forces in Iraq. But he's never addressed the permanent base plans we have for the largest "embassy" on the face of the Earth.

As good as it feels to see the United States taking the symbolic action of voting for an African-American for President, the symbolism is where the progress ends. I hope Obama proves me wrong.
I think mine in 04 pretty much matched the magazine cover.
How can 51 million people be so stupid ?

Not gracious, just incredulious.