Well, Isn't This Interesting


But it can't be, it can't be I tell ya. This can't be true, it can't be true.

Um, yeah, it can and it is, and it's what I've been saying for years now. Want to support the troops? BRING THEM HOME. You are torturing these people. Bush just signed the order from that fucking political hack Patreus to keep these guys there.

When are you people going to wake up and get it? You're not supporting the troops, your'e supporting their continued torment, you're supporting your political party, and you're supporting this failed President. In other words, you're a hack. And these guys aren't going to thank you for it, but you keep believing that I'm spitting on soliders and your support to keep them in Hell is making theme real happy.

Surprising Political Endorsements By U.S. Troops
American Soldiers Speak Out About Their Presidential Endorsements
April 7, 2008—

ABC's Martha Raddatz asked American soldiers in Iraq what issues are most important to them when looking at the presidential candidates.

Though the military is not supposed to engage in partisan political activity, these soldiers spoke out about their personal endorsements, and their opinions are likely to matter. In 2004, 73 percent of the U.S. military voted for a presidential candidate, and officials believe it may be even higher this time around.

PFC Jeremy Slate said he supported Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., because of his stated intention to pull out of Iraq right away.

"That would be nice," Slate said, "I'd like to be home, yea."

SFC Patricia Keller also expressed support for Obama, citing his representation for change.

Spc. Patrick Nicholls from Eggawam, Mass., pointed out that many soldiers on the frontlines frequently think about their families back home.

"We think about how our families are doing back home. That's a major concern, like how the economy is doing, also as well as where we're going to be in the future. Because really, truly, what we consider we're doing, we're doing a valuable job, we want to make sure that the efforts we make are appreciated."

He suggested he was too engaged in Iraq to keep up with politics back home. "I haven't really been following it too much since we've been over here, ma'am," he told Raddatz. "So, don't really know which issues are too important to me right now. ... I don't know who's running, ma'am."

Lt. Leah Wicks said that, tied into concerns about her family's welfare, were concerns about the economy, "where we're going to be in the future."

Only moments before speaking with ABC News, the troops had been listening to Vice President Dick Cheney give a rousing speech, but it didn't change their political preference.

Spc. Imus Loto said he supported Obama. "It will be something different. But he's out there and he'll probably support us a lot more."

By support, Loto meant pulling out troops. "Pull me out, too." he said.

Though the military is generally a more conservative group, soldiers like Sgt. Justin Sarbaum are just as eager for a pull-out as the Democratic candidates. Sarbaum said he wondered which presidential candidate would be able to better the U.S. relationship with rogue nations, such as Iran, so that soldiers are not sent off to another war.

"Iran is obviously a big issue," Sarbaum said, "Here in Iraq for my third time; starting another war right now  is it really necessary?"

Sgt. Cory Messingham from Lewisville, Texas, said he wasn't following the race, but he was concerned about candidates' paying attention to the emotional toll that the war has taken on soldiers.

"My biggest issue is support for the military, military funding and our deployments, not having long deployments anymore. Because [the] majority of us are doing ...15-month deployments. So, it's tough on the soldiers and tough on the soldiers' families. Those are really my biggest issues."

1st Sgt. David Logan said, "I am leaning toward Hillary. I think that we should have a gradual drawdown."

Though the soldiers have been living in Iraq, they listen closely to the candidates on issues far beyond the wars they are fighting.

"Education back in the states is one of my main concerns," Spc. Matthew Durkin said.

Economy and environment were on Staff Sgt. Derek Dion's mind. "Things like gas prices, and look at the environment and what we're going to leave our children."

Spc. Joseph Lindsesdt, who is from Alaska, said he was watching for consistency of the candidates' views. "The steadiness of the candidate, whether they've changed their views, constantly, over time, or with political wind, as I like to put it."

To that end, Lindsesdt's pick is Obama. "The fact that he's followed his views, regardless of what they have been [sic] and whether I've agreed with them or not, sometimes. But he's been steady the entire way."

When asked if he was concerned about criticism that Obama had less political experience than some of the other candidates, the battle-weary soldier replied, "No, I think being a decent leader doesn't have to do anything with experience much."

Yeah I never ever found out how the troops voted last time. The right assumes they vote for them, but I am not so sure how they voted in 2004.
The personal stories of many of our men and women in uniform today would have you in tears .. and some of those stories will stay with you forever. A great many of them know they are stuck in Hell chasing ghosts. They've seen the rest of planet earth abandon them to their fate, and they know there won't be any parades or glory if, or when they get home.

If I can only get home with all my body parts.

They know that if they get home disabled, they face a life of misery. Tens of thousands of these brave Americans have been maimed, seriously wounded, blown apart, suffered severe head and brain damage, PTSD .. and oh yeah ..more than 4000 of them are dead. They ain't ever comin' back.

Will my love still love me if I'm not whole.

They know that if the have to depend on the VA, they face the anguish of a life of misery and frustration. Sometimes it takes as long as 9 months just to assigned to a color-coded team. They know that Walter Reed is not an anomaly. It's the norm.

Have you ever been in the VA?

Have you seen the waiting rooms full of men and women in wheelchairs?

They wonder why super-patriots like John McCain and the chicken-hawk right won't support the GI Bill before Congress? McCain has consistently put the interests of corporation and goose-steppin' party ideology before the need to take care of US soldiers.

If Iraq is so vital to US interests, why haven't the chicken-hawks called for a draft? Our soldiers aren't the only ones who know our military is broken. They've been on multiple tours of duty in Iraq and which had been extended to 15 months. Why is the sacrifice placed solely on them?

The ignorance of Iraq is one of the greatest blunders in not just US, but world history, and countless women, children, and babies have paid the price for this abomination.
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The personal stories of many of our men and women in uniform today would have you in tears .. and some of those stories will stay with you forever. A great many of them know they are stuck in Hell chasing ghosts. They've seen the rest of planet earth abandon them to their fate and they know there won't be any parades or glory if and when they get home.

If I can only get home with all my body parts.

They know that if they get home disabled they face of life of misery. Tens of thousands of these brave Americans have been maimed, seriously wounded, blown apart, suffered severe head and brain damage, PTSD .. and oh yeah ..more than 4000 of them are dead. They ain't ever comin' back.

Will my love still love me if I'm not whole.

They know that if the have to depend on the VA, they face they anguish of a life of misery and frustration. Sometimes it takes as long as 9 months just to assigned to a color-coded team. They know that Walter Reed is not an anomaly. It's the norm.

Have you ever been in the VA?

Have you seen the waiting rooms full of men and women in wheelchairs?

They wonder why super-patriots like John McCain and the chicken-hawk right won't support the GI Bill before Congress? McCain has consistently put the interests of corporation and goose-steppin' party ideology before the need to take care of US soldiers.

If Iraq is so vital to US interests, why haven't the chicken-hawks called for a draft? Our soldiers aren't the only ones who know our military is broken. They've been on multiple tours of duty in Iraq and which had been extended to 15 months. Why is the sacrifice placed solely on them?

The ignorance of Iraq is one of the greatest blunders in not just US, but world history and countless women, children, and babies have paid the price for this abomination.

Well said.
McCain has consistently put the interests of corporation and goose-steppin' party ideology before the need to take care of US soldiers.

At least he isn't a hypocrit for doing so (having served and all) :P (I'm just playing with you, don't freak out).

As for the draft, I think they know the American people would not put up with a draft for this war.
I have been there Toxic, I help out with counseling for brain burned Iraq vets.

I attend group therapy sessions every two weeks as an assistant who has been there.
I am the first call for 3 of them in my close area when they have a crisis. Had to take off and go talk one out of blowing his brains out yesterday...And take him over to the VA.
Why I was gone in the afternoon.

I cannot fully let out my hatred for this useless war on here.
I have been there Toxic, I help out with counseling for brain burned Iraq vets.

I attend group therapy sessions every two weeks as an assistant who has been there.
I am the first call for 3 of them in my close area when they have a crisis. Had to take off and go talk one out of blowing his brains out yesterday...And take him over to the VA.
Why I was gone in the afternoon.

I cannot fully let out my hatred for this useless war on here.

I applaud you my brother. I know the stress that comes with doing what you do and not everyone can handle it.

I'm going to have a hard time arguing with you from now on.
I have been there Toxic, I help out with counseling for brain burned Iraq vets.

I attend group therapy sessions every two weeks as an assistant who has been there.
I am the first call for 3 of them in my close area when they have a crisis. Had to take off and go talk one out of blowing his brains out yesterday...And take him over to the VA.
Why I was gone in the afternoon.

I cannot fully let out my hatred for this useless war on here.

Aw I'm sorry usc. I have a friend who does very similar work. Thankfully the Iraq veterans have you guys. I know that the vietnam vets really did not have that. They had to build it themselves.
I applaud you my brother. I know the stress that comes with doing what you do and not everyone can handle it.

I'm going to have a hard time arguing with you from now on.

:) Argue away. Knowing you a bit I am sure it will be on a different subject that that anyway.
Aw I'm sorry usc. I have a friend who does very similar work. Thankfully the Iraq veterans have you guys. I know that the vietnam vets really did not have that. They had to build it themselves.

yeah it messed up my life for 20 years or more.
Why I want to help others.
It is not easy but working with them for a while hnow actually helped to put the last vestiges om my demons to rest.
The wierd thing is I still hate the military, but love the people burned by it. I guess because i have been there.
I guess maybe that helps me link in to some vets. And makes those who love the military hate me. Ohh well I am not trying to help them anyway.
It's really sickening how our soldiers have been treated by this admin. If Bush & the GOP didn't shroud everything in faux patriotism & give nothing but lip service to "support the troops," it would be merely deplorable, but since the GOP is the official "troop" party (or so they say), it is definitely sickening.

They don't "support the troops." If you "support the troops," you look for any reason you can to avoid war; you don't cherrypick intel to try to "make a case" for pre-emptive action. If you "support the troops," you don't say you will only commit forces if there is a clear exit plan, and then still find yourself floundering after 5 aimless years. If you "support the troops," you don't send young men & women on 2 or 3 or 4 tours of duty, to the point where they get so burnt that they will never be the same mentally.

The fact that the GOP & Bush & Cheney are seen in some sort of patriotic, pro-military light is the height of propoganda, and is basically the opposite of reality. Bush drank his way through the national guard, while Cheney went from one deferment to the next to get out of serving when he had a chance. It's nauseating to watch them preach to us about commitment & sacrifice.
It's really sickening how our soldiers have been treated by this admin. If Bush & the GOP didn't shroud everything in faux patriotism & give nothing but lip service to "support the troops," it would be merely deplorable, but since the GOP is the official "troop" party (or so they say), it is definitely sickening.

They don't "support the troops." If you "support the troops," you look for any reason you can to avoid war; you don't cherrypick intel to try to "make a case" for pre-emptive action. If you "support the troops," you don't say you will only commit forces if there is a clear exit plan, and then still find yourself floundering after 5 aimless years. If you "support the troops," you don't send young men & women on 2 or 3 or 4 tours of duty, to the point where they get so burnt that they will never be the same mentally.

The fact that the GOP & Bush & Cheney are seen in some sort of patriotic, pro-military light is the height of propoganda, and is basically the opposite of reality. Bush drank his way through the national guard, while Cheney went from one deferment to the next to get out of serving when he had a chance. It's nauseating to watch them preach to us about commitment & sacrifice.

Truly, nothing has both enraged and frustrated me more. Well stated!
I have been there Toxic, I help out with counseling for brain burned Iraq vets.

I attend group therapy sessions every two weeks as an assistant who has been there.
I am the first call for 3 of them in my close area when they have a crisis. Had to take off and go talk one out of blowing his brains out yesterday...And take him over to the VA.
Why I was gone in the afternoon.

I cannot fully let out my hatred for this useless war on here.

OMG. That's incredible. I don't know how you do it. That's what I call supporting the troops!
It is tough LadyT, I ate a few valliums last night....
But it is vorth it.
Not fun having a gun pointed at ya either.... Have to know the person a bit and where they are coming from. Come to think of it I am putting my life on the line over this war.
But I am doing it for the troubled Vets.

If I am present I do have control over the situation as far as local law enforcement goes, got that lined out last year after a fiasco by an over eager Deputy Sherrif.

Don't tell BB ;)
I also use my network of contacts to try and keep my vets occupied at some kind of job. They are on military disability, but staying busy is some of the best therapy. and military disability is not big bucks either.
I can't wait for WRL to respond to this thread by telling us all how they found the ONLY soldiers in all the army to respond positive for Obama. That there billions of other soldiers who would vote for Bush again if they only could. I have met 5 soldiers, all quite by accident and all five have said the same things. They like our money over there, they like the jobs that our government supplies to the locals but that is as far as it goes. All five of these guys were 4/1 cav, four of them in one place highest rank E5 lowest E3. The fifth was an E7 Sgt First Class promotible to First Sgt. He said the same thing. I didn't go looking for them and my only question was "tell me what it was like from the Soldier's perspective" they gave me the rest. FUnny that I found the only 5 soldiers all just having returned from Mosul that didn't like the war and didn't think it was worth the sacrifice. Funny that.

I am sure that I will run into guys from Fort Bliss that think it is worth it and that it is a good cause, but to randomly run into 5 guys and ALL of them think the the whole thing stinks does not speak well for the polling.
I can't wait for WRL to respond to this thread by telling us all how they found the ONLY soldiers in all the army to respond positive for Obama. That there billions of other soldiers who would vote for Bush again if they only could. I have met 5 soldiers, all quite by accident and all five have said the same things. They like our money over there, they like the jobs that our government supplies to the locals but that is as far as it goes. All five of these guys were 4/1 cav, four of them in one place highest rank E5 lowest E3. The fifth was an E7 Sgt First Class promotible to First Sgt. He said the same thing. I didn't go looking for them and my only question was "tell me what it was like from the Soldier's perspective" they gave me the rest. FUnny that I found the only 5 soldiers all just having returned from Mosul that didn't like the war and didn't think it was worth the sacrifice. Funny that.

I am sure that I will run into guys from Fort Bliss that think it is worth it and that it is a good cause, but to randomly run into 5 guys and ALL of them think the the whole thing stinks does not speak well for the polling.
I've had pretty much the opposite experience. Every one of the marines and soldiers that I have met have expressed a need for us to stay.

I haven't used it here because it really isn't all that relevant.
Same here Damo.............

I've had pretty much the opposite experience. Every one of the marines and soldiers that I have met have expressed a need for us to stay.

I haven't used it here because it really isn't all that relevant.

This is about the fifth time soco has used the mysterious 4/1cav dude scenario...the same ranks and same comment...maybe he should try another bar!;)