Whaaaaat? a Bribe? no way! the truth about the pipeline


Again I thought they hated the rich!


Written By : Duane Lester
April 21, 2014

President Obama delayed the Keystone XL pipeline, yet again. Why? A billionaire environmentalist pledged $100 million to Democrats if the Keystone XL is delayed, that’s why:



What you won’t hear about in mainstream media is how Billionaire Tom Steyer drove the decision by promising to spend $100 million to help Democrats in the midterm election who help defeat the project.

With the decision pushed back probably past the election, this allows the Democrats to be for or against the decision depending on their election chances and how badly they need Steyer’s support. Given that a majority of Americans want the project to go through, this is good news for vulnerable Democrats. Meanwhile, American jobs suffer, and whatever economic impact the project might have had on Russia is ignored for the sake of Obama’s political gain.

Newsbusters has more:

On Squawk Box, Politico’s Ben White was the only persn to describe the Tom Steyer connection to Keystone:

It is bad for Landrieu, it’s bad for Mark Pryor in Arkansas. I think its net negative for Democratic candidates across the board. But that’s totally outweighed by the $100 million from Tom Steyer. He’s an environmentalist who says look if you approve the Keystone, my money goes away.

And the White House says that they need that money. The Koch brothers are going to spend like crazy, to win the Senate. We need to counter balance that with $100 million from Tom Steyer, whoever else we can get it from.

As I wrote on All American Blogger, the unions are not happy with any of this.

But remember, the Koch Brothers are evil, or something.

Hat Tip: Weasel Zippers
LMAO at unions who put this POS into office so he can bend them over his desk and fuck them all up the ass.
WASHINGTON, DC — The following statement was released today by Sean McGarvey, President of North America’s Building Trades Unions, in reaction to the announcement by the US Department of State to further extend the comment period for the review of the Keystone XL pipeline:

“The actions by the Obama Administration to further extend the review process for the Keystone XL pipeline is a cold, hard slap in the face for hard working Americans who are literally waiting for President Obama’s approval and the tens of thousands of jobs it will generate.

Despite this administration’s own findings that the Keystone project will result in significant economic benefits to our country, President Obama has placed politics over substantive policy that only serves to advance the agenda of well funded radical environmentalists.

Where does this leave the President’s actual core constituency of working Americans? Why does President Obama continue to side with radicals instead of the middle class that, twice, put him office, and supports this project by a significant majority?

It’s ironic that at the same time billionaire conservatives are coming under increasing scrutiny and criticism by the left for their involvement in politics, there is nary a word about the political spending by liberal billionaires that negatively impact the job prospects and livelihoods of working class Americans.”
Washington, D.C. (April 18, 2014) – Terry O’Sullivan, General President of the Laborers’ International Union of North America, made the following statement today regarding further delay of the Keystone XL Pipeline:

This is once again politics at its worst. In another gutless move, the Administration is delaying a finding on whether the pipeline is in the national interest based on months-old litigation in Nebraska regarding a state level challenge to a state process — and which has nothing to with the national interest. They waited until Good Friday, believing no one would be paying attention. The only surprise is they didn’t wait to do it in the dark of night.

It’s not the oil that’s dirty, it’s the politics. Once again, the Administration is making a political calculation instead of doing what is right for the country. This certainly is no example of profiles in courage. It’s clear the Administration needs to grow a set of antlers, or perhaps take a lesson from Popeye and eat some spinach.

This is another low blow to the working men and women of our country for whom the Keystone XL Pipeline is a lifeline to good jobs and energy security.


The half-million members of LIUNA – the Laborers’ International Union of North America – are on the forefront of the construction industry, a powerhouse of workers who are proud to build America. For the latest news, check out our media kit here.

So a couple union officials are upset?

Who do you think the rank and file union members will vote for in 2016?

The party that is systematically wiping out union jobs all across this nation?

Or the party that 9 times out of 10 sides with unions?

Isn't this party one in the same?
So a couple union officials are upset?

Who do you think the rank and file union members will vote for in 2016?

The party that is systematically wiping out union jobs all across this nation?

Or the party that 9 times out of 10 sides with unions?

I don't know genius, maybe the party that just wiped out a lot of union jobs by tabling this pipeline! You are dense aren't you?