What a Show


One thing I have been waiting to see is; will any righties here comment on senior mccain advisers calling Palin various names in the press? Because if a liberal poster here, especially a liberal female, says anything negative about Palin, there is a cry of outrage and a barrage of insults! You're jealous! How dare you! You disgust me!


In an interview with CNN today, one McCain adviser anonymously called Palin “a diva” and said “she is playing for her own future” political prospects.

“She is a diva. She takes no advice from anyone,” the advisor told CNN. “She does not have any relationships of trust with any of us, her family or anyone else. Also she is playing for her own future and sees herself as the next leader of the party. Remember: divas trust only unto themselves as they see themselves as the beginning and end of all wisdom.”

Now I knew that was a woman as soon as I read it. Ends up, this appears to be Nicole Wallace, whom I think we all know.

Palin has taken to blaming the entire ["clothing"] incident – as well as her introduction to the nation – on her “handlers,” presumably meaning Nicolle Wallace ... McCain allies say that Palin allies talked to Fox News commentator Fred Barnes to further throw Wallace under the bus. Barnes yesterday said, “the person who went and bought the clothes and, as I understand it put the clothes on her credit card, went to Saks and Neiman Marcus...the staffer who did that has been a coward” for not coming forward and accepting the blame for the $150,000 shopping spree. Barnes clarified that he was talking about Wallace.

Now, you guys were warned. You were told that Palin got her bad rep with republicans in Alaska, not because she was a "mavericky maverick filled with mavericky goodness", but because she had never, ever, failed to use a mentor/helping hand, and then turn around and kick that person in the face with glee.

You guys didn't want to hear it. Now you have Palin's posse furiously attempting to throw Mccain off the bus so that she can drive it straight into 2012. She's going to initiate a blood bath in your party, and this bitch ain't going down without taking quite a few people with her.

She just turned around, and gleefully kicked John Mccain in the face.

How do you like it?

Another McCain aide anonymously told The Politico that Palin has been “going rogue” by criticizing strategic decisions by the McCain campaign, such as their use of robocalls against Sen. Barack Obama in recent weeks, and the decision to pull out of the state of Michigan in early October.

She's a whack job. - probably Steve Schmidt.
Now, now. Let's not be too hard on the Palins.

Some may say that with her formidable intellectual prowess, her unique attitude toward honesty and her enlightened and engaging world view, Sarah Palins is exactly the sort of person who the Republican party, of this 21st of centuries, wholeheartedly deserves.

Don't you just love the smell of blood in the morning?
Palin sees this as her big chance. If she did as her handlers told her, she would slip back into obscurity when McCain lost.

This route at least gives her a fan base from which she can maintain her national exposure.
Otherwise she is just a future answer in trivial pursuit.
Now, now. Let's not be too hard on the Palins.

Some may say that with her formidable intellectual prowess, her unique attitude toward honesty and her enlightened and engaging world view, Sarah Palins is exactly the sort of person who the Republican party, of this 21st of centuries, wholeheartedly deserves.

Don't you just love the smell of blood in the morning?

charver, i honestly feel as if there is a God and that entity said "aww, look at what poor bastards like darla had to put up with for 8 years...let me give them a little reward, BESIDES an Obama presidency...let me give them a little show". Now, I don't believe any such thing, because I would imagine if there were a God who interfered with life, that entity would stop a child from starving to death rather than put on shows for Darla...but I do believe this is some sort of karma. And I am so loving it!
Palin sees this as her big chance. If she did as her handlers told her, she would slip back into obscurity when McCain lost.

This route at least gives her a fan base from which she can maintain her national exposure.
Otherwise she is just a future answer in trivial pursuit.

the thing is, if you look over her history in Alaska, Sarah Palin has always seen her "big chance" and she had zero problem with taking it at the expense of someone who had previously helped her.

that's a personality defect, and it's my opinion that you are going to continue to see fallout from that. or as it has been written - character is destiny.
charver, i honestly feel as if there is a God and that entity said "aww, look at what poor bastards like darla had to put up with for 8 years...let me give them a little reward, BESIDES an Obama presidency...let me give them a little show". Now, I don't believe any such thing, because I would imagine if there were a God who interfered with life, that entity would stop a child from starving to death rather than put on shows for Darla...but I do believe this is some sort of karma. And I am so loving it!


I never thought i'd see the day when God was backing the Democrats but i understand he thinks the Palins faction is a just a little too churchy, even for his tastes.

Seriously, though, a civil war is exactly what the Republicans need. Perhaps it might enable them to become a proper party again; representing an honest alternate political view without the sanctimonious morality play, constantly running in the background.

Come on Republicans, it is your patriotic duty to take back your party. Perhaps you could garotte a Christian fundamentalist or drown an anti-intellectual (metaphorically of course).
I posted Palin 2012 on a thread here the other day. Now I read in on the web nooz.
Siomeone listens to uscitizen as they should :D
She is the moster they created.

Its alive!

Chaver is right ,she is perfect for the republican party.

They have pandered to stupidity long enough to creat the perfect meld of their ideals.

Guise of morality, cut throat actions, looks good on camera, power seeking, the ability to lie bold faced about known facts with a big smile on her face and able to flirt.

There is a segment of this country who love this woman. That is the base this current republican party has been depending on to win/cheat and take office for years now.

How does it feel to know you helped in the creating?