what america could do with the money the rich hide overseas

but your really stupid and evil and refuse facts

so your thoughts are about as valuable as dead pond scum
to a stupid fucking hate filled piece of rancid fuck like you anything good and wise is worse than evil huh sphincter miner
In the United States, the Treasury would collect about $124 billion a year in additional taxes — $36 billion from individual taxpayers and $88 billion from multinational corporations — if it weren't for such schemes, according to estimates by Gabriel Zucman, an economist at the University of California at Berkeley.

That's a lot of money — and we're all paying for it, Zucman said.

When the wealthy pay less in taxes, the rest of the population bears the burden. Either the government spends less money, providing fewer public services, or ordinary citizens pay more to make up the cost.
now if the wealthy are not going to pay enough for Americans to be able to actually afford life in this society then they better pay these taxes to suppliment the peoples needs because they cant afford what life now costs in our society to have a decent life without big time needs going unmet.

pay people enough to buy housing, healthcare , insurance, energy, transportation, food, clean water, clean air and such

these fucks are a cog in the wheel

so are the human beings they NEED for labor and customers

you cant go killing all the bees is you want the honey
oh yeah, but you're a liberal and that's much worse, so there......

She's not a "liberal," I'm a real liberal/conservative. She's a drunken alcoholic leftist clueless moron. Oh yeah! And she's a RACIST, she hates white people and promotes the government plantation that enslaves blacks.
In the United States, the Treasury would collect about $124 billion a year in additional taxes — $36 billion from individual taxpayers and $88 billion from multinational corporations — if it weren't for such schemes, according to estimates by Gabriel Zucman, an economist at the University of California at Berkeley.

Then the government would waste it all on unconstitutional socialist bribery programs, like your Obamaphone.
If you own a mutual fund individually or in a 401K, say "thank you" to those Corp.'s

Sourced by "The Tax Foundation" and "AP- CNBC"

Source: The Tax Foundation
Link: http://taxfoundation.org/

October 01, 2015
Kyle Pomerleau
FISCAL FACT No. 483: Corporate Income Tax Rates around the World, 2015 (PDF)
Key Findings
• The United States has the third highest general top marginal corporate income tax rate in the world at 39 percent, which is the same as Puerto Rico and is exceeded only by Chad and the United Arab Emirates.
• The worldwide average top corporate income tax rate (accounting for 173 countries and tax jurisdictions) is 22.9 percent, 29.8 percent weighted by GDP.
• By region, Europe has the lowest average corporate tax rate at 18.7 percent (26.1 percent weighted by GDP). Africa has the highest simple average at 28.77 percent.
• Larger, more industrialized countries tend to have higher corporate income tax rates than developing countries.
• The worldwide average corporate tax rate has declined since 2003 from 30 percent to 22.9 percent.
• Every region in the world has seen a decline in its average corporate tax rate in the past twelve years.

Puerto Rico governor declares bank emergency
10 Mins AgoThe Associated Press

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Gov. Alejandro Garcia Padilla says he is moving to protect Puerto Rico's residents through an executive order that declares a state of emergency at the Government Development Bank.
The governor issued an executive order that protects the bank's dwindling liquidity by only allowing withdrawals that fund the delivery of essential public services. It does not call for a moratorium on the government bank principal or interest payments.
Garcia said the bank is in talks with creditors regarding a $423 million due May 1.
The order Saturday was the first taken under the Puerto Rico Emergency Moratorium and Financial Rehabilitation Act enacted last week. The law provides emergency powers to the governor including the ability to declare a moratorium on all bond payments.
"The GDB's financial condition has continued to deteriorate and, absent the measures ordered in this executive order, there is an imminent risk of a drastic decrease in GDB's liquidity in the immediate term. This, in turn, would jeopardize the provision of essential services by the commonwealth," the order states.

And Puerto Rico is seeking "Super Bankruptcy" protection from U.S. taxpayers....HOW MUCH IS A FAIR AMOUNT FOR CORPORATIONS TO PAY?
Any questions why business as incorporating in countries with a lower tax rate? If you have a 401K then you are benefitting from this cost saving measure
Eight of the biggest U.S. technology companies added a combined $69 billion to their stockpiled offshore profits over the past year, even as some corporations in other industries felt pressure to bring cash back home.

Microsoft Corp., Apple Inc., Google Inc. and five other tech firms now account for more than a fifth of the $2.10 trillion in profits that U.S. companies are holding overseas, according to a Bloomberg News review of the securities filings of 304 corporations. The total amount held outside the U.S. by the companies was up 8 percent from the previous year, though 58 companies reported smaller stockpiles.

Look at the names, some of the biggest supporters of the democrats....think of what could be done if they did not have to keep their money overseas....