What are some of your favorite books, all-time, in any genre?

My all-time favorite book is Flowers For Algernon, by Daniel Keyes. It's a fantastically and cleverly written book, done in a "diary" form, of sorts, by Charlie, the main character. It's a very emotional work, with an ending almost too unbearably sad to read. But it's a true classic, in every sense of the word. HIGHLY recommended. Other favorites include Rosemary's Baby, by Ira Levin, One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest, by Ken Kesey, Searching For Robert Johnson, by Peter Guralnick, and The Stand, by Stephen King. So what are some of YOUR favorites?
I'll add The Shining and The Green Mile, both by Stephen King and both fantastic works of fiction, Danse Macabre, a wonderful non-fiction work by Stephen King, first released in 1980, his musings on horror fiction, movies, and TV shows he loved, and were a huge influence on HIS writing. Also The Sirens of Titan, by Kurt Vonnegut, THE best science fiction novel I've read, and Mystery Train, by Greil Marcus, THE best book I've read on the history and influence of blues and rock and roll music on our culture and our society. These books round out my top ten favorites.
Tough question for me. I hold a degree in English but i was in it for the lit.
Grapes of Wrath
Canturberry Tales (yeah Chaucer)
Animal Farm
Lord of the Rings
Catcher in the Rye
A song of Fire and Ice (Game of Thrones series)
The Wasteland
Big Anne Rice fan (Vampire Chronicles)
Harry Potter ( ok not lit but a good yarn)
Old Man and the Sea
A lot of Kirt Vonnegut
Dan Brown despite writting the same book over and over
I could go on and on but i wont
I have read Tolkien's Lord of the Rings trilogy about 30 times over this life....going by number of readings this is my clear favorite.
Tough question for me. I hold a degree in English but i was in it for the lit.
Grapes of Wrath
Canturberry Tales (yeah Chaucer)
Animal Farm
Lord of the Rings
Catcher in the Rye
A song of Fire and Ice (Game of Thrones series)
The Wasteland
Big Anne Rice fan (Vampire Chronicles)
Harry Potter ( ok not lit but a good yarn)
Old Man and the Sea
A lot of Kirt Vonnegut
Dan Brown despite writting the same book over and over
I could go on and on but i wont

Wow, impressive list! Thanks for your post.
Then there is The Divine Comedy, Beowulf and To Kill a Mockingbird (the book is every bit as good as the movie).
And if youre into fantasy (LOTR) with a weird twist look up Steven R Donaldson's Chronicles of Thomas Covenant. The oddest antihero / hero ever. Four trilogies about Tom and one after he dies. Hes a leper who is consumed with being "unclean" to the point he loses his family and in fits of ennui trandsports off to this other place kind of like Middle Earth but not middle earth where hes kind of a god becsuse of his white gold wedding ring. Seems thats kryptonite to the local baddie. Hard to believe you can get 12 books out of that setup but Steve does it.
And if you want a great LOTR spoof, Bored of the Rings from the kids at Harvard Lampoon is literally one long series of jokes and utterly hilarious. Obviously not for those who cant take a joke about the original.
Paradise Lost is long but good.
Ok someone else's turn