What are you most disappointed in as an American?


New member
I'll answer that question as well....

What I'm most disappointed in as a Canadian is the fact that our Government gives very little of its money as foreign aid....Canada is a rich and prosperous country, yet we are also cheap to those less fortunate than ourselves...

We give about 0.4 of a percent of our annual GDP to foreign aid, something I'm deeply ashamed about...
Especially compared to other countries with same socioeconomic conditions....

I am most dissapointed in the fact that our govt is ran by the corporations for the corporations.

If it were ran for the people lots of issues would not exist.
As a US citizen, I am disappointed that my country has not invaded Canada and killed everyone of you idiots.
I disappointed that we've ruined a beautiful land with right-wing extremism. And the Conservatives are about to ruin your land too CK.
I'll answer that question as well....

What I'm most disappointed in as a Canadian is the fact that our Government gives very little of its money as foreign aid....Canada is a rich and prosperous country, yet we are also cheap to those less fortunate than ourselves...

We give about 0.4 of a percent of our annual GDP to foreign aid, something I'm deeply ashamed about...
Especially compared to other countries with same socioeconomic conditions....


I like Canada better already.

Where did you learn your welfare philosophy--that leads to slavery of your own people? Do you really beileve it is not fair for someone to have more---if they earn it? Is it Canadas fault that other nations treat their people like crap?

Have you every done anything for yourself?

I am disapointed in the people of the USA---for listening to socialistic rubbish like this.
When was this place beautiful?

What he does not know is--and he is a moron for sure------the nation of America was developed with liberitarian and consertative philosophies. (limited government out of our lives) His phoilosphies is why people found a new piece of land. The kid is messed up 180 deg

He thinks Consertatives are traditionaly left. (a quote of his last week)

Left/ dem/ now most republicans/ liberials/ most environmentalists, accept the ones who live in the envoronment/that kid from Canada I just answered to = commie, or hard core socialists

right/ consertative/ conservation of the America that was founded over 200 years ago/ Palin = freedom
What he does not know is--and he is a moron for sure------the nation of America was developed with liberitarian and consertative philosophies. (limited government out of our lives) His phoilosphies is why people found a new piece of land. The kid is messed up 180 deg

He thinks Consertatives are traditionaly left. (a quote of his last week)

Left/ dem/ now most republicans/ liberials/ most environmentalists, accept the ones who live in the envoronment/that kid from Canada I just answered to = commie, or hard core socialists

right/ consertative/ conservation of the America that was founded over 200 years ago/ Palin = freedom
