What are you thankful for today?


Staff member
Happy Thanksgiving...

As I said before. I am thankful for all of you who come here to speak about your opinions, I know that there are many choices out there. I am glad that some wish to come to a place where we try to minimize Moderation and allow people to be people...

Even the "problem children" care about what happens here, and all are active. There are no "low information" voters here.

What about you? What things, small or large, are you thankful for today?

My family and friends, my job, my house, my life... All are things I am thankful for...
Guns, beer, freedom (look for updates later tonight).

Also so very thankful I don't have children.
I am thankful for:

God and all He has provided
My wife
My boy
My health
My extended family
My job
My church family
The freedom to worship
The freedom to hunt and fish
The United States of America

EDIT: Thanksgiving Day Football. Way to go Detroit!!
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I'm thankful for all of my family, my friends, my health, and the opportunities that have come my way.
I'm thankful to be living in the greatest country, history has ever known.
I'm thankful for those who have sacrificed their time with their families, so that we can enjoy what this country has to offer.
This list is unending; but in closing, let me say, I'm also thankful that Billy has never had children. :)
I'm thankful for my family and friends, couldn't even imagine better. I'm grateful to live in a country where one has the right to own their own hand. I'm thankful for the outlets that allow us all to share what we wish, regarding our own hand. ;)

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!
I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. I know I did. Family and friends. That is what life is all about. Although as I peek around the board this morning, it seems there were many that were plenty active on here yesterday. For some reason I find that quite sad.

Oh well.
That I don't live in the US, that I'm not so shit-scared of my neighbours that I have to go around armed like a commando or a Sicilian bandit, that I was brought up in a rational religion and needn't go into hysterical reaction to their hysterical anti-Christian ranting, that I'm not a racist and don't live in a (very) racist country, that I don't have to make myself into a ludicrous nit by saluting flags and swearing fake patriotisms, that my grandfather wasn't so scared of McCarthy that he banned thinking, that I know something about the world and don't believe in 'crusades', and that we lack a Weirdo Republican Party while even our right-wing class-hating tories are still to the left of your Democrats. And that I don't have to eat bloody turkey!
I am happy for my family and my friends, both here and in the US, and I am happy that a grateful nation continues to pay me for my service on its behalf.

We had a great Thanksgiving here last night... brined turkey (Alton Brown's recipe), all the fixin's, a group of great expats, and plenty of good wine.
I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. I know I did. Family and friends. That is what life is all about. Although as I peek around the board this morning, it seems there were many that were plenty active on here yesterday. For some reason I find that quite sad.

Oh well.

We had 17 family members together, at one of my daughters home, for Thanksgiving Dinner.
Some of the family couldn't make it.
Not counting me and my wife, the oldest was around 44 and the youngest is just shy of 1 year old.
I said Grace and instead of giving thanks for what was on the table, I gave thanks by reminding everyone that family is the best gift one can have.
My daughter gave thanks for her new Daughter and Son and that the entire adoption process was now finished.
My wife gave thanks that everyone had made it thought, yet another year.
We all remembered the family members that were to far away to be with us.
A good time was had by all.