What do we do about the problem of nihilism?



Our ancestors have created a comfortable life for us. Too comfortable.

"Ease breeds decadence. Luxury leads to softness and indifference. Indifference leads to ruin and death."
Get rid of any smartphones or computers that you own and live in a tree with no electricity. Only that way can you become a true Aryan superman.
Satan, you're losing.

You believe in invisible beings?

You're soft, and weak. You lost years ago. Your Thousand-Year Reich was smashed. Your führer took the coward's way out. You have failed.

Yet scientists believe dark matter exists when they've never seen or observed it.

Go believe what your priests tell you is real.

Dark matter is detected by changes in momentum, energy reactions and gravitational effects. Evidence for the existence of dark matter exists.

Evidence is important.

Unless you're an ignorant pig living under a rock in the back of a cave that's devoid of light.
Dark matter is detected by changes in momentum, energy reactions and gravitational effects. Evidence for the existence of dark matter exists.

Evidence is important.

Unless you're an ignorant pig living under a rock in the back of a cave that's devoid of light.

Yes, he is
Yet scientists believe dark matter exists when they've never seen or observed it.

Go believe what your priests tell you is real.

My priest, sorry, I have no priest.

There is evidence that dark matter exists. I can see you never been very interested in real science just your pseudoscience.
Dark matter is detected by changes in momentum, energy reactions and gravitational effects. Evidence for the existence of dark matter exists.

Evidence is important.

Unless you're an ignorant pig living under a rock in the back of a cave that's devoid of light.

Evidence doesn't make something real. You liberals are so dumb.

There's evidence that 9/11 was an inside job and that the Obama birther theory is real.

Funny when evidence is suddenly undeniable proof when it comes to what you think.
卐 Trashymucous;1600167 said:
Evidence doesn't make something real. You liberals are so dumb. There's evidence that 9/11 was an inside job and that the Obama birther theory is real. Funny when evidence is suddenly undeniable proof when it comes to what you think.

There's evidence that Hitler was a pedophile, isn't there?