What Does It Take To Be A USA Democrat Or Canadian Liberal You

David Jeffrey Spetch

Verified User
Just have your brain mashed into a pulp and you'll fit right in. They'll teach you to lie and deceive compulsively and obsessively as they'll also teach you when questioned to desperately scramble to try and make anything else the issue to evade being held accountable for their sick actions (like attempting to take freedoms from citizens while also passing legislation that attempts to try and make citizens have to lie for them to try and drag everyone else down to their pathetic level) while they teach you to falsely accuse others of what they prove to be to try and make a blame game out of it and again in attempt to try and evade being held accountable. They'll teach you to deny everything because they seem to think denying it changes the fact that they are already exposed in the eye of even the general public. They'll also teach you how to try and criminalize those who expose their sick behavior as you learn to cater to the dictatorship of the World Economic Forum because what is most important to them is not protecting their own citizens as they themselves reveal time and time again, it about them getting a piece of the pie while using lies and deceptions to divide and conquer their own citizens which is why they take office while citizens get thrown under the bus for a bunch of phony narratives usually based upon factually exposed foundations of lies and deceptions. They'll teach you to use guises to try and pull the wool over everyone's eyes like tolerating compulsive obsessive liars and deceivers forced in your face by calling it inclusion while attempting to use the media to try and make it in any way shape or form acceptable because they are obviously all for attempting to force oppression upon their own citizens.

The USA democratic party is anything but democratic, they instead attempt to dictate rubbish while using the media to try and make their rubbish look acceptable to the public in general even though that in many instances is far from acceptable to the general public. They also use the WEF main stream media to try and make anyone opposing their rubbish as a criminal. The Canadian Liberals are all about removing Canadians rights and liberties while attempting to use the media to try and make it look like the general public wants our rights and liberties taken away. They also use the WEF main stream sock puppet media to try and make anyone opposing their rubbish out to be a criminal for opposing their highly offensive disgusting filth.

Bud light is an excellent example of the public has spoken when it comes to the sick, filthy and repulsive LGBT. Bud light put some trans sicko on their can and suddenly no one bought that filth and yet the democrats and liberals are still trying to use the main stream media to try and make it look like the public is acceptive of such disgusting filth as the LGBT. This is proof that your officials ignore the general public and proof that they live in a delusional bubble of lies and deceptions that they still attempt to use to divide the public with because that is what the world economic forum wants, to use their useful idiots to help divide and conquer North America while they attempt to enslave the population into cheap labour.

Oh what's this, there are more people than homes in North America, Democrats and Liberals don't care and proof is that they keep loading North America with hundreds of thousands and perhaps even into the millions annually while they go along with the WEF climate change hoax to use as excuse to take jobs under guise of saving the environment so citizens can't pay their rent or mortgages thus lose their homes and get replaced by immigrants illegal and otherwise.

They welcome people from countries that the WEF already enslaved thus are people willing to work ten jobs for peanuts (a very sad state of affairs) to pay rent while these billionaires etc. use such immigrants to try and guilt citizens into working ten jobs for peanuts or get replaced because the world economic forum and their useful idiots are that greedy selfish and ignorant.

Oh they want to make everything electric so they can raise the price through the roof and you have no alternative under the guise of saving the environment. Middle of winter and the power grid goes out, oh well many die but hey it's apparently the easiest way to achieve the mass depopulation plan as quickly as possible. Oh right with all vehicles electric I predict if that comes to pass there will be vehicles stranded all over the streets as well as every street block, those with the biggest guns will charge their car first while everyone else has to wait thus can no longer make it to work etc. Oh and if you use your electric stove while they charge their cars and it takes out the power grid, oh well you were stupid enough to for their climate change hoax in the first place. What do I mean climate change hoax, well only 3 percent of the entire plants surface area is occupied by humans and the world economic forum and their useful idiots can't even prove that humans raise the temperature 0.000001 degree but they keep right on forcing their hoax on you anyway while using their bias sock puppet main stream media to try and make it look like the general public accepts their rubbish just like with Bud light and the sick and filthy LGBT garbage.

Joe Biden could actually make himself useful and stand at the Canadian border of Roxham road threatening to sniff those attempting to cross the border to prevent illegal crossing but he would rather make the world economic forum members richer by using tax payers dollars to pay for weapons to fight wars and not just for Ukraine but many other countries for years now.

How many Barrack Obama's does it take to screw in a light bulb when Joe Biden is around? None, Barrack wouldn't dare deprive Joe of Joe making himself useful at something as president.

If I recall it was somewhere around 2012 - 2015 when the USA threatened to use SCOTUS to make a mockery of marriage and so I wrote Barrack to urge him not to do it but he responded to me within like a 24 hour period basically telling me he was going to do it anyway which proves that Barrack and his so called democrats are against a democratic process and proof is him using SCOTUS to make a soon to be short lived mockery of marriage because there is no way the house would have voted to pass such disgusting filth and mockery of marriage to begin with and here in Canada it was a political part trade off.

I remember when I was in Ottawa just before Canada day Barrack Obama walked right by me on Rideau right by the library (neither one of us called the other out, just peacefully passed on by) and as soon as he passed me I could hear him asking his people via bluetooth or whatever "What is Spetch doing here?" because I suspect that he felt extremely intimidated that someone way more handsome and intelligent than him was in the city. I thought he would have been taller as well but I think he is about an inch shorter than I am.

The USA democrats are obviously not democrats and them attempting to deny it doesn't change the actions they have taken that prove they are not democrats, more like demo rats. Up here in Canada the Liberal party are not liberals and proof is that they are so eager to remove Canadian rights and liberties on several fronts like attempting to dictate that retards get to say what Canadians should be allowed to share and see online hence the term libtards appears fitting to describe the phonies trying to pass themselves off as liberals. I could go on and on but that will give you something to fester upon until of course I have more in store for the near future.

The boycott against Bud Light is hammering sales



Primary Factual Fundamentalist
World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Collingwood Ontario Canada
Ps. Be good be strong!