What does the Bible say about generational curses?


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What does the Bible say about generational curses?

The concept of the "generational curse" is a simple one that has been repurposed by the deliverance ministry. Generational curses are mentioned only in the Old Testament:

You shall not bow down to them or serve them, for I the LORD your God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and the fourth generation of those who hate me, but showing steadfast love to thousands of those who love me and keep my commandments. (Exodus 20:5-6; cf Numbers 14:18; Deuteronomy 5:9)

The generational curse mentioned in the Bible, then, was a warning given to Jews that they were to worship only God, not idols. If one generation fell away from God and worshiped pagan gods, God warned that He would "visit the iniquity" on several future generations. How is this fair? God dealt with the Israelites differently than He does with members of the church. Everything an Israelite did affected the entire nation (see Joshua 7). Since the Messiah of the world was to come out of Israel, all of Israel needed to follow God.

But God did not leave the Israelites with no hope (Leviticus 26:39-42). Numbers 14:19-20 show that forgiveness was available to all Israelites. And Exodus 20:6 explains that God's lovingkindness to those who repented and followed God would be granted for thousands of generations.

This clearly infers that the generations being punished for their fathers' sins did not repent and seek forgiveness, but continued their fathers' evil ways.

The threat of the generational curse is over, however. Jeremiah 31:29-31 and Ezekiel 18:1-4, 14-20 all say that under the New Covenant the son will not be punished for his father's sin.

We are freed from the generational curse. Jesus' sacrifice heralded the coming of the New Covenant (Luke 22:20), and we enjoy the benefits.

So how is the concept of "generational curses" used today if the Bible so thoroughly explains it is no longer valid? Some deliverance advocates seem to just ignore the evidence. Others believe that a generational curse is only handed down to non-Christian family members; once a person accepts Christ, he is free. But a sin or hardship can be passed down from generation to generation via a demon that stays with the family.

Such a family may have a history of cancer or unfortunate luck with finances. They teach that a child can be inhabited by the family demon, which can remain dormant until awakened by sin. Accepting Christ for salvation breaks the generational curse, because we are under the new covenant, but it does not remove the demon, which can still wreak havoc. The cure is to repent of any sin affiliated with the curse and remove the demon.

There are two issues with this. The first is that Scripture indicates Christians cannot be demon possessed.

The second is that generational curses were never said to involve demonic forces. Exodus 20:5-6 and the other verses clearly state that God punished the generations. There is no mention of a "bondage" or illness or even the curse of a sin passed down by the work of a demon.

Are there generational curses today? Not in the sense mentioned in the Old Testament. It is true that whether by influence or genetic predisposition, families can see sins like addiction or rage pass through several generations. "Bondage" issues such as ill health or misfortune can be explained the same way.

A demon is not necessary to pass heart disease to the children of parents who don't know how to eat healthfully.

"Deliverance" from such a situation is straightforward for the most part. We take our sin to Christ, ask Him to heal us, and work with Him by refusing to continue sinning. For health issues, we can ask for healing, but it doesn't mean God will see fit to cure us.

But if one generation rejects God or becomes a Freemason, it doesn't mean a demon will give the next four generations diabetes.

I didn't read all of your post here, but I remember 'guno' complaining about the Christian Crusaders killed 'his people' like, a thousand years ago ... and he is still pissed off about it. So, ... maybe being an Idiot is a Curse handed down like from one generation to the next?
(I don't know if that had anything to do with your post, but I figured I'd just point that out)
I didn't read all of your post here, but I remember 'guno' complaining about the Christian Crusaders killed 'his people' like, a thousand years ago ... and he is still pissed off about it. So, ... maybe being an Idiot is a Curse handed down like from one generation to the next?
(I don't know if that had anything to do with your post, but I figured I'd just point that out)

The Crusaders killed everyone in their path to the Holy Lands including Jews, Peasants and other Christians.

Got Questions is poor scholarship and its evangelical in its beliefs. Notice how they went after Freemasons.
The Crusaders killed everyone in their path to the Holy Lands including Jews, Peasants and other Christians.

Got Questions is poor scholarship and its evangelical in its beliefs. Notice how they went after Freemasons.

I try to stay away from the 'Bible' stuff. Too many Experts that know what it REALLY means.
I glanced at a few sentences and noticed 'Curse'. I immediately thought of 'Guno'. Poor 'Guno' is Cursed to live in the Past and Perpetual Hatred.
'Guno' should be deported back to the Middle East, he would LOVE it there, ... wallowing in HATE.
Most of the OT teaches that the sons will dies for the sins of their fathers, but then they contradict themselves.

born blind?"

Deuteronomy 24:16

"Fathers shall not be put to death for their sons, nor shall sons be put to death for their fathers; everyone shall be put to death for his own sin.

2 Kings 14:6

But the sons of the slayers he did not put to death, according to what is written in the book of the Law of Moses, as the LORD commanded, saying, "The fathers shall not be put to death for the sons, nor the sons be put to death for the fathers; but each shall be put to death for his own sin."

Ezekiel 18:19

"Yet you say, 'Why should the son not bear the punishment for the father's iniquity?' When the son has practiced justice and righteousness and has observed all My statutes and done them, he shall surely live.

This is an easy read.

I try to stay away from the 'Bible' stuff. Too many Experts that know what it REALLY means.
I glanced at a few sentences and noticed 'Curse'. I immediately thought of 'Guno'. Poor 'Guno' is Cursed to live in the Past and Perpetual Hatred.
'Guno' should be deported back to the Middle East, he would LOVE it there, ... wallowing in HATE.

"Curse" is why Jesus could NOT be the son of Joseph... He had to be an immaculate conception to be heir to King David's throne.
"Curse" is why Jesus could NOT be the son of Joseph... He had to be an immaculate conception to be heir to King David's throne.

Immaculate conception is not about Jesus...it is about Mary, mother of Jesus.

She, supposedly, is the one born of immaculate conception.
Immaculate conception is not about Jesus...it is about Mary, mother of Jesus.

She, supposedly, is the one born of immaculate conception.

So Jesus wasn't born of a virgin?


What Is the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary?

The Immaculate Conception refers to the condition that the Blessed Virgin Mary was free from Original Sin from the very moment of her conception in the womb of her mother, Saint Anne.

I'm not Catholic, but I should have known that.
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So Jesus wasn't born of a virgin?


What Is the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary?

The Immaculate Conception refers to the condition that the Blessed Virgin Mary was free from Original Sin from the very moment of her conception in the womb of her mother, Saint Anne.

We are talking about what the Bible and religion says.

The notion of The Immaculate Conception...IS NOT ABOUT THE CONCEPTION OF JESUS.

It is about the conception of Mary...his mother.

You can look it up. You'll see.
We are talking about what the Bible and religion says.

The notion of The Immaculate Conception...IS NOT ABOUT THE CONCEPTION OF JESUS.

It is about the conception of Mary...his mother.

You can look it up. You'll see.

Holy Fuck! Do the Christians know this?
We are talking about what the Bible and religion says.

The notion of The Immaculate Conception...IS NOT ABOUT THE CONCEPTION OF JESUS.

It is about the conception of Mary...his mother.

You can look it up. You'll see.

See post #10.............. I did. You're right.
Holy Fuck! Do the Christians know this?

Yeah. Most Catholics do, anyway.

The best blind guess that can be made about this "birth of Jesus and birth of Mary" thing is that it is mythology.

But...mythology has its place...and is a great comfort to some people. It was for me when I was young. When I was discharged from the Air Force, I considered a religious vocation...as priest.

Glad I changed my mind. Better for me...better for the Church.

During the next couple of days I will extend good wishes to all the Christians here...and among my friends and family...and will be sincere. It is a nice time of the year...and thoughts of peace and brotherly love are good ones to contemplate in the abstract.

Politically, the world is extremely chaotic right now...ESPECIALLY among the so-called western countries. Time for us to get our shit together...to get our ducks in a row. If we don't...we've got a rather grim future ahead of us.
Yeah. Most Catholics do, anyway.

The best blind guess that can be made about this "birth of Jesus and birth of Mary" thing is that it is mythology.

But...mythology has its place...and is a great comfort to some people. It was for me when I was young. When I was discharged from the Air Force, I considered a religious vocation...as priest.

Glad I changed my mind. Better for me...better for the Church.

During the next couple of days I will extend good wishes to all the Christians here...and among my friends and family...and will be sincere. It is a nice time of the year...and thoughts of peace and brotherly love are good ones to contemplate in the abstract.

Politically, the world is extremely chaotic right now...ESPECIALLY among the so-called western countries. Time for us to get our shit together...to get our ducks in a row. If we don't...we've got a rather grim future ahead of us.

Merry Christmas to you..You're the best.
Yeah. Most Catholics do, anyway.

The best blind guess that can be made about this "birth of Jesus and birth of Mary" thing is that it is mythology.

But...mythology has its place...and is a great comfort to some people. It was for me when I was young. When I was discharged from the Air Force, I considered a religious vocation...as priest.

Glad I changed my mind. Better for me...better for the Church.

During the next couple of days I will extend good wishes to all the Christians here...and among my friends and family...and will be sincere. It is a nice time of the year...and thoughts of peace and brotherly love are good ones to contemplate in the abstract.

Politically, the world is extremely chaotic right now...ESPECIALLY among the so-called western countries. Time for us to get our shit together...to get our ducks in a row. If we don't...we've got a rather grim future ahead of us.

There's been 'religions' through out the ages and through out the Planet, I guess there is a common need for an 'Explanation'.

Frank: "During the next couple of days I will extend good wishes to all the Christians here".
Jack: Don't be so chintzy, extend the Good Wishes to Everyone. :)