What does this picture mean to you?


Super lefty
An uncle of mine posted this picture to Facebook recently, and rather than say something that might start a needless argument with him, I figured I'd start some needless arguments with you folks! Lol


Personally, I think this quote is hilarious, because there continued to be plenty of slaves in the US for at least a hundred years after. It must have been so hard for those white wig wearing slaves back then, having to pay taxes! How awful and cramped their quarters were, and don't forget the whippings!
An uncle of mine posted this picture to Facebook recently, and rather than say something that might start a needless argument with him, I figured I'd start some needless arguments with you folks! Lol


Personally, I think this quote is hilarious, because there continued to be plenty of slaves in the US for at least a hundred years after. It must have been so hard for those white wig wearing slaves back then, having to pay taxes! How awful and cramped their quarters were, and don't forget the whippings!

America's founders were not the creators of America's slavery, they were born into it as were America's slaves. At that point in time people of color were considered by society to be less than human and women were considered property.

Washington's quote was directed at white folk and mostly at people with property. Considering the culture of the day, I personally consider Washington's quote is a warning about the natural corruptions of humans and government in particular.

As you were born into America's progressive socialist culture, it's even understandable that your notions and opinions are corrupt as the culture. Your ideology has enslaved the blacks to slavery of reliance on government and forced them into your public housing ghetto slave quarters and turned them into brood mares and stallions. A fatherless community, with trashed schools and dwellings devoid of proper education to compete in the economy, robbed of their incentive of self-reliance and governed in most every BIG city by Democrats and mostly black Democrats indoctrinated by white progressives.

Comparatively, Washington was saintly compared to today's progressive socialist Democrats.
An uncle of mine posted this picture to Facebook recently, and rather than say something that might start a needless argument with him, I figured I'd start some needless arguments with you folks! Lol


Personally, I think this quote is hilarious, because there continued to be plenty of slaves in the US for at least a hundred years after. It must have been so hard for those white wig wearing slaves back then, having to pay taxes! How awful and cramped their quarters were, and don't forget the whippings!

There are still "slaves" or "indentured servants of THE STATE".....today, but property of the state or prisoner of the state rolls off the tongue with such great ease. None of these individuals freely agreed to be property of the state...slavery exists in many forms and has since the beginning of time.

In Biblical times the nation of Israel used the institute of slavery for the same reason....to protect society or an individual from any future harm. When they captured individuals in battle they made slaves out of them...but many of them were granted their freedom if they freely assimilated into the tribe. It was impossible for a nomadic nation like Israel to build or maintain prisons...so slavery was allowed, but slaves were demanded by law to be treated fairly while indentured until their debt to society had been fully paid. Some were made slaves because they owed what they could not pay...or committed crimes against humanity.

What? Did anyone expect them to simply leave women and children to fend for themselves after their men were killed in battle...that would have been inhumane. God did not create slavery, man did...He allowed it but under His advise.

As far as slavery existing in this republic.....that does not make the founding TRUTH, "all men are created equal..." a lie. What is true will never be a lie. Slavery existed because the majority of society wanted it to exist..that's the way a republic works. There would be nor could be no REPUBLIC if the majority of society was not or is not allowed to reflect their morality or lack thereof. What you would have would be a form of despotism. Even slaves were CREATED EQUAL....it was society that made them into slaves after creation...not God.

Because society evolved...does not make the founding principles lies. Truth does not evolve, what was true 2000 years ago is still true today, if not...truth never existed in the first place. Societies evolve.....that's what makes our founding documents so great...they were designed to allow society to evolve and correct mistakes...that evolution is called amendment...or if there is no conflict with the constitution, its called a reflection of societies morality by COMMON LAW. TRUTH is a constant....it cannot evolve. Equality was an "idea" that finally was allowed to take form in this nation....once society evolved to accept the previous truth that it had ignored. People are human...they make mistakes....truth never makes a mistake. The United States has more "slaves" or property of the state than any other civilized nation on earth...per capita. As of 2013 that rate was 716 out of every 100,000 US citizens were guests of the state by "incarceration". Just like a Rose....Slavery by any other name...........

Try extrapolating that information. There are some 300 million people in the United States. Per every 100,000 of them 716 are indentured servants of the state. 7 Thousand 160 per million. Rounding it off.... Now multiply 7K by 300. Surprise. In 2013 there were some 2 million 100K SLAVES of the STATE in the United States. And some say the rate of crime is down due to progressive policies? Really? Major crimes are down? Correct me if I am wrong...but if one commits a crime worthy of incarceration...I'd call that crime MAJOR....no? If not....someone would have to "revisit" some of the supposed great PROGRESSIVE POLICIES that make many minor things into major crimes worthy of incarceration.
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