What does Trump really say?

Reminds me of a video I saw of Rudy Giuliani when he was running for the GOP nomination saying "911" about a thousand times in 60 seconds.
I like Ike, as well. I'm serious. I was about eleven when Ike was running. (oh, fuck you, too) Anyway, we happened to be living then in a suburb of DC, so my parents took me to an Eisenhower rally in DC. They brought in an elephant for symbolism, but we happened to be standing right behind that big gray behemoth when he crapped out three bowling ball sized turds. Being a young kid, I thought it was hilarious. But the speaker at that time, (I can't remember who) wasn't fazed, he just said, "Three hip-hip-hoorays for IKE!" The crowd roared in approval.

Anyway, here's to Drumpf, may he eat elephant turds, live a miserable life, and clean the toilets of those that he has caused to suffer.