What else are Democrats lying about?

Truth Detector

Well-known member
The answer to that question is self evident; EVERYTHING.

they managed to pull that off far longer than many thought possible.

Only because they had the help of a willing accomplice within the news media. If you’re tired of the lies and gaslighting, Trump is the right choice.

What else are Democrats lying about?

Thursday, June 27, 2024, will go down in political history as the day one of the biggest lies ever was thoroughly exposed. For months, even years, Democrats and their media allies have not only denied that President Joe Biden has lost the mental capacity needed to perform on the greatest stage of politics, but they have viciously attacked anyone who had the temerity to suggest otherwise, going as far as telling voters that what we were all seeing with our own eyes were “cheap fakes” and “Russian disinformation.”

But now, after 90 minutes of debate with former President Donald Trump, the world knows the truth: Biden is not fit mentally, as his many pauses, blunders, and simply incoherent sentences demonstrated Thursday night.

There is some pushback from the Biden campaign — a weak and unconvincing effort to blame the night on a cold. But Biden’s failures went far beyond a nagging cough. A sore throat does not explain why he bragged, “We finally beat Medicare,” or why he rambled on about brothers raping their sisters when asked about abortion, or why he claimed that the Border Patrol union endorsed him when those charged with enforcing our nation’s immigration laws despise Biden’s catch-and-release policies with every ounce of their being.

These moments were devastating for Biden because they reinforced what anyone who has been watching the president already knew. Until the debate, Democrats were afraid to say what they knew about Biden’s health. So afraid were they to admit the truth that they made outlandish claims in the other direction. Here are just a few.

MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough claimed Biden is “better than he’s ever been.” Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas said Biden was “sharp, intensely probing, detail-oriented, and focused.” Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said Biden “is at the top of his game.” Sen. Chris Murphy (D-CT) claimed he had “watched President Biden run circles around senators inside the Oval Office.” And not to be outdone, Rep. Dan Goldman (D-NY) claimed Biden “has a photographic memory” and is “sharper than anyone I’ve spoken to.”

Now, these Democrats are singing a different tune, or perhaps they’re crying uncle. “Biden looks like the caricature that conservative media has been painting. There were no clips tonight. You saw it before your eyes.” Yes, we did see it. We’ve been seeing it for a long time. It was never a “caricature” created by conservative media. It was the truth. It has been the truth all along.

The damage Democratic Party elites and their media allies have done to their party and the country is incalculable. Democratic primary voters have been denied an honest choice about who should represent them in the general election. All voters have been denied a choice between two competent candidates. National security has been put at risk now that vicious and opportunistic adversaries such as Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping have seen how weak Biden really is.

The exposure of the Democrats’ lie about Biden’s health raises two questions: What else are they lying about — in truth, almost everything — and who is really running the White House? On the first question, the most obvious answers are immigration and the economy. The Biden administration denied for years there was a crisis on the southern border until suddenly, in January, it admitted there was one but that it was all Trump’s fault. And on the economy, Democrats are still trying to claim everything is great, even as cars and homes become more unaffordable every day and consumers post record-high credit card debt spending.

On the second question, the answer is the activist operative base of the Democratic Party. That is who has been running the country as Biden has rapidly checked out. This cohort of radical operatives is far to the left of not only the average general election voter but also of the average Democratic primary voter. Biden is slipping away and easy to manipulate. The only difficulty is covering up the fact that he has lost it, and they managed to pull that off far longer than many thought possible.
the pitchforks need to be coming for the Chuck Todd's of the world

how the fuck are we supposed to have fair elections with the constant lies from those granted access to report

the bullshit press conferences with the bullshit hand picked journalists and hand picked questions needs to end NOW
the pitchforks need to be coming for the Chuck Todd's of the world

how the fuck are we supposed to have fair elections with the constant lies from those granted access to report

the bullshit press conferences with the bullshit hand picked journalists and hand picked questions needs to end NOW
