What Exactly Did Justice Alito Say That Was Wrong?


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A Catholic professor of law says nothing is wrong with a Christian wanting to impose his religion on the nation.

"In perhaps the most discussed exchange, he assented to the filmmaker’s statement that it is important to win “the moral argument” and “return our country to a place of godliness.”

To start with the question of judicial ethics: Where was the justice’s error?"

"Likewise, many people in this country do believe in God and godliness. Many believe in the truth of our national motto, “In God We Trust.” They think religion contributes to a kinder and more moral society. "

Like Trump, eh professor?!
A Catholic professor of law says nothing is wrong with a Christian wanting to impose his religion on the nation.

"In perhaps the most discussed exchange, he assented to the filmmaker’s statement that it is important to win “the moral argument” and “return our country to a place of godliness.”

To start with the question of judicial ethics: Where was the justice’s error?"

"Likewise, many people in this country do believe in God and godliness. Many believe in the truth of our national motto, “In God We Trust.” They think religion contributes to a kinder and more moral society. "

Like Trump, eh professor?!

We know Biden doesn't give a shit about the truth, honesty and the Constitution. One has to wonder how retarded Biden voters are. Idiots like you remove all doubt about the question. ;)
A Catholic professor of law says nothing is wrong with a Christian wanting to impose his religion on the nation.

"In perhaps the most discussed exchange, he assented to the filmmaker’s statement that it is important to win “the moral argument” and “return our country to a place of godliness.”

To start with the question of judicial ethics: Where was the justice’s error?"

Return it? Prove that premise first.
I have no fucking idea what that sentence means. Nor do you.
I can believe that you don't being under the Dunning Kruger effect, but I do know what it means.

A good example of you practicing politics as religion is your stubborn, and incorrect, use of the word "fascist." You use it as a religious fanatic would the word "heretic," or "non-believer."
I can believe that you don't being under the Dunning Kruger effect, but I do know what it means.

A good example of you practicing politics as religion is your stubborn, and incorrect, use of the word "fascist." You use it as a religious fanatic would the word "heretic," or "non-believer."
You are seriously a moron.