What Fascism means to me


Ahorrado por Gracia
Under our current political system, the so-called "leaders" are chosen in hypocritical elections, which are nothing more than popularity contests. Whoever has the most money, or the best looks, or the finest charasma, can become a "leader," REGARDLESS of whether or not they possess true qualities of Leadership. But in a Fascist America, things will be much different! Our Leaders shall be chosen according to these Great principles: Service, Faith, Discipline, Tradition, Patriotism, Respect, and Honor. That is what Fascism is about! There will be no more "party politics" in a Fascist America.

Unlike establishment politicians, there is no reason for a Fascist to tell you a lie. We will always tell the truth because we do not have a "popularity contest" to win. OUR victory is achieved not via the balllot, but rather by the Soldier and the bayonet; the artist and the brush; the preacher and the Word... In other words, only the most honorable amongst us -- the Servant, the Faithful, the Talented, Disciplined, the Conservative, the Patriot, the Meek -- the True Elites, shall rise to power, because these are the Men who possess the attributes of character we need in Leadership.

We need Leaders such as this before we can achieve true Greatness.

In a Fascist America, there will be no poverty, and no starving children. No single moms will be forced to divert attention away from their children by being required to work. And every citizen will be guaranteed access to health services.

In a Fascist America, the wicked genocide of unborn babies will come to a swift end. The National Guard will shut down every abortion clinic in America, and every abortionist will be executed for their barbarism.

In a Fascist America, marxism and feminism will be completely destroyed.

In a Fascist America, the Family (Man, Woman, and Child) will be protected by law. Fascism says NO to sodomite "marriage," and YES to the traditional, nuclear Family. In a Fascist America, a Family will be able to survive on ONE income. Mothers will be strongly encouraged to be keepers of the home.

In a Fascist America, your worth will be based on how well you SERVE the Nation (according to the best of your ability). People who do not serve others (i.e. Paris Hilton) will be looked down upon as scum of the earth.

In a Fascist America, every able-bodied man will participate in the Militia. This will instill discipline into every man, it will teach him to obey AND to Lead, and teach him to respect the Authority of the State. Every female will be instilled with the values necessary to become a Godly and honorable lady, wife, and mother. This will ultimately lead to the restoration of the traditional Family.

In a Fascist America, every person will be guaranteed a college education.

In a Fascist America, every Man will be guaranteed a job.

In a Fascist America, there will be a Cross on the dome of every Capitol building, and a plaque of the Ten Commandments in schools, courts, and every other Public building. "Trust in God" will be printed on every Silver-certificate dollar in America. (We will restore the Mint Act of 1792).

In a Fascist America, innocence will be protected! Children will be taught to abstain from sexual relations until they're grown and married -- no more liberals encouraging children to experiment with sex. Molesters and child pornographers will be promptly executed -- there will be no phony "treatment" and "parole." Physically-abused children will be relocated to loving homes, and the parents forced into hard labor camps.

In a Fascist America, no longer will the idiots, the haughty, the sexually immoral, be running our Country!

In a Fascist America every Citizen will march in the streets, flag in hand, singing the National Anthem! Everyone will love our Great Nation. Everyone will be filled with the spirit of Service towards our Nation, our Neighbor, and Almighty God!
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"In a Fascist America, there will be no poverty, and no starving children. No single moms will be forced to divert attention away from their children by being required to work."

But single dad's will. Nothing sexist about that.
What fascism means to me?

Bad 'taches
Ridiculously convoluted marching styles
A tendancy to lose wars
Fetishes for uniform
Repressed homosexuality

Don't worry though, Brent. When the ladies see you in your tight black uniform, putting in the windows of the unscrupulous Jews, they'll be hanging off you like fruitbats.
Don't worry though, Brent. When the ladies see you in your tight black uniform, putting in the windows of the unscrupulous Jews, they'll be hanging off you like fruitbats.

Fruitbats hang off Brent? Man, I find out new things about him every day.
Hey Brent, look at my new sig.

Dishonesty on your part. Here is the full quote:

"[Franco] wasn't a hardliner like Mussolini, who was willing to sell his soul to the devil in exchange for more power. I agree with a lot of Mussolini's ideology, but he was a sellout."

Initially there was nothing particularly racist and anti-Semitic about Mussolini's government. Once his alliance with Hitler was formed, however, he sold out. While he did not carry out mass-exterminations as was in Germany, he did enact policies unfavorable to Jews.

He alienated the Jews who helped him into power, including his Mistress.
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Dishonesty on your part. Here is the full quote:

"[Franco] wasn't a hardliner like Mussolini, who was willing to sell his soul to the devil in exchange for more power. I agree with a lot of Mussolini's ideology, but he was a sellout."

Initially there was nothing particularly racist and anti-Semitic about Mussolini's government. Once his alliance with Hitler was formed, however, he sold out. While he did not carry out mass-exterminations as was in Germany, he did enact policies unfavorable to Jews.

He alienated the Jews who helped him into power, including his Mistress.

*cackles mischeviously*

You're going to have to post that in every thread I post in ever, now. Sorry.

But Mussolonni never turned on the Jews. I hate him because he murdered political opponents and utterly destroyed the concept of the individual within his nation, reforming them off of the evil immaturity that is nationalism, but Franco did that anyway so I bet you don't care.

I don't believe there's anything as evil as nationalism.
I've got an idea, Brent.

You go along with your ideas, and I'll go along with mine. We'll practice them seperately and won't interfere with each other directly. Why doesn't that work with you? Because your ideas are so weak you have to rely on force and irrational belief to support them.
In a Fascist America--- I won't have a job. Fuck you Brent.

You are taking away peoples' choices--- has it ever dawned on you that not everyone wants to have the lifestyle you define? Nothing is wrong with gay people, or working women....go back to Salt Lake City and live with the other fundamentalist fuckers if you want.
By the way, there has never been a fascist politician that hasn't lied to his people.

There has never been ANY politician that hasn't lied to his people. You set the bar far to low. Its a matter of what you will or will not tolerate. We tolerate the biggest liars in the country as politicians, but we would not tolerate a fascist. Dig it?
Yes, but my point is the type of lie.

"We won't fuck with your taxes" as opposed to "We aren't really slaughtering millions of innocents".....get my point?
When did Franco ever tell a lie?
When did George Washington ever lie?

Some people are honest; not everyone is a liar.

In a Fascist America--- I won't have a job. Fuck you Brent.

That warms my heart. :)

You are taking away peoples' choices--- has it ever dawned on you that not everyone wants to have the lifestyle you define? Nothing is wrong with gay people, or working women....go back to Salt Lake City and live with the other fundamentalist fuckers if you want.

I do not care what YOU think is best for YOU -- that is the sort of thinking which is ruining our Nation. What matters is what benefits everyone. You are but one thread, interwoven with other threads in this vast social fabric. Or at least, you should be!

There is room for elements of individualism, but for the most part, our Society should be thought of as organic, not atomistic.
Brent, fascism is the political position of sad little men with inferiority complexes who feel the need to boss people about so they can pretend they are big men.
When did Franco ever tell a lie?
When did George Washington ever lie?

Some people are honest; not everyone is a liar.

That warms my heart. :)

I do not care what YOU think is best for YOU -- that is the sort of thinking which is ruining our Nation. What matters is what benefits everyone. You are but one thread, interwoven with other threads in this vast social fabric. Or at least, you should be!

There is room for elements of individualism, but for the most part, our Society should be thought of as organic, not atomistic.

Only a Sith deals in absolutes......my point here is that while we should not become some sort of hive society as you seem to desire, neither should we dodge our responsibility.....the thing that ruins America is not its freedom, for its freedom to decide lifestyle, etc. is what makes America great....the fact that people can call our administration fascist proves that we are not fascist and are more liberated than many other nations.....the truth is what weakens America and causes this great nation's problems are those who seek to use that freedom and then expect no consequence for their actions....those who smoke and then sue big tobbaco for a product that everyone knew was killing them....people who sue McDonald's even though no one forced them to eat there....people who sue the people they were trying to rob because they trip over a table or fall through a skylight....those sort of people, the ones who find themselves never at fault and never responsible, they are the ruins who bring this country down.

We do not need to enforce some rigid totalitarian system to fix America, we need only to teach people to act responsibly.
I have never been able to understand why anybody would burn crosses in order to terrorize people. I can't seem to grip what they are saying while burning a religious symbol....