What Happens When You Compare Trump to Five Characteristics of Fascism?


Judge clarifies: Yes, Trump raped E. Jean Carroll

What Happens When You Compare Trump to Five Characteristics of Fascism?​

A fascist glorifies a nation and a mythic people led by a charismatic leader. A fascist promotes violence, and vilifies “outsiders” and the Left while upholding the interests of the rich. Make no mistake: Donald Trump fits the description.

Is Donald Trump a fascist? If you go by political scientist Michael Parenti’s definition, the answer is yes. Definitely.

One of the most important aspects of fascism, and also one of the most overlooked, is the link between fascism and capitalism. Fascism is a last-ditch effort to preserve the existing capitalist system and class structure — by force.

My hero, Michael Parenti, made a fantastic presentation entitled “Functions of Fascism” that is the basis for this piece. You can find it on Youtube or in the TUC Radio archive. I’d highly recommend it. What I would like to do is compare the main characteristics of fascism as outlined by Parenti and compare them to what we see today with Donald Trump.
"The final characteristic of fascism, according to Parenti, is opposition to socialism, communism, anarchism, or any left-wing, egalitarian movements or doctrines."

Look at this forum. A very common theme of right wingers is their hatred of the left.
"The final characteristic of fascism, according to Parenti, is opposition to socialism, communism, anarchism, or any left-wing, egalitarian movements or doctrines."

Look at this forum. A very common theme of right wingers is their hatred of the left.
So, TA Gardner always talks about his hatred for the left. Yet he is astonished that this is a standard symptom of fascists.

What Happens When You Compare Trump to Five Characteristics of Fascism?​

A fascist glorifies a nation and a mythic people led by a charismatic leader. A fascist promotes violence, and vilifies “outsiders” and the Left while upholding the interests of the rich. Make no mistake: Donald Trump fits the description.

Is Donald Trump a fascist? If you go by political scientist Michael Parenti’s definition, the answer is yes. Definitely.

One of the most important aspects of fascism, and also one of the most overlooked, is the link between fascism and capitalism. Fascism is a last-ditch effort to preserve the existing capitalist system and class structure — by force.

My hero, Michael Parenti, made a fantastic presentation entitled “Functions of Fascism” that is the basis for this piece. You can find it on Youtube or in the TUC Radio archive. I’d highly recommend it. What I would like to do is compare the main characteristics of fascism as outlined by Parenti and compare them to what we see today with Donald Trump.


So, you cut and paste the conclusions of Michael Parenti, an openly avowed Marxist and radical Leftist. He's also an idiot.

The above rambling nonsense is clearly based on Marx in that it argues everything is materialist. I present it to show where this guy is at politically. He HATES Trump with a screaming capital HATE!

Anyway, I doubt you could find a much more biased against Trump source than Michael Parenti.
hate, nationalism, vilifying all kinds of different groups. Vowing revenge. Will be a dictator for a day (right). The cultish behavior of his followers. Blaming everything and everyone and NEVER taking any responsibility for what happens. He is as transparent as saran wrap.

What Happens When You Compare Trump to Five Characteristics of Fascism?​

A fascist glorifies a nation and a mythic people led by a charismatic leader. A fascist promotes violence, and vilifies “outsiders” and the Left while upholding the interests of the rich. Make no mistake: Donald Trump fits the description.

Is Donald Trump a fascist? If you go by political scientist Michael Parenti’s definition, the answer is yes. Definitely.

One of the most important aspects of fascism, and also one of the most overlooked, is the link between fascism and capitalism. Fascism is a last-ditch effort to preserve the existing capitalist system and class structure — by force.

My hero, Michael Parenti, made a fantastic presentation entitled “Functions of Fascism” that is the basis for this piece. You can find it on Youtube or in the TUC Radio archive. I’d highly recommend it. What I would like to do is compare the main characteristics of fascism as outlined by Parenti and compare them to what we see today with Donald Trump.
hate, nationalism, vilifying all kinds of different groups. Vowing revenge. Will be a dictator for a day (right). The cultish behavior of his followers. Blaming everything and everyone and NEVER taking any responsibility for what happens. He is as transparent as saran wrap.
There you go, that's it.


vilifying all kinds of different groups.

Vowing revenge.

Will be a dictator for a day (right).

The cultish behavior of his followers.

Blaming everything and everyone and NEVER taking any responsibility for what happens.

He is as transparent as saran wrap.
Yep, Biden sure is!

What Happens When You Compare Trump to Five Characteristics of Fascism?​

A fascist glorifies a nation and a mythic people led by a charismatic leader. A fascist promotes violence, and vilifies “outsiders” and the Left while upholding the interests of the rich. Make no mistake: Donald Trump fits the description.

Is Donald Trump a fascist? If you go by political scientist Michael Parenti’s definition, the answer is yes. Definitely.

One of the most important aspects of fascism, and also one of the most overlooked, is the link between fascism and capitalism. Fascism is a last-ditch effort to preserve the existing capitalist system and class structure — by force.

My hero, Michael Parenti, made a fantastic presentation entitled “Functions of Fascism” that is the basis for this piece. You can find it on Youtube or in the TUC Radio archive. I’d highly recommend it. What I would like to do is compare the main characteristics of fascism as outlined by Parenti and compare them to what we see today with Donald Trump.

Sieg Heil indeed.

As a party member, it is your DUTY to slander, defame, and sully enemies of the party at all times.

If you ever question yourself, just ask "What would Himmler do?"

What Happens When You Compare Trump to Five Characteristics of Fascism?​

A fascist glorifies a nation and a mythic people led by a charismatic leader. A fascist promotes violence, and vilifies “outsiders” and the Left while upholding the interests of the rich. Make no mistake: Donald Trump fits the description.

Is Donald Trump a fascist? If you go by political scientist Michael Parenti’s definition, the answer is yes. Definitely.

One of the most important aspects of fascism, and also one of the most overlooked, is the link between fascism and capitalism. Fascism is a last-ditch effort to preserve the existing capitalist system and class structure — by force.

My hero, Michael Parenti, made a fantastic presentation entitled “Functions of Fascism” that is the basis for this piece. You can find it on Youtube or in the TUC Radio archive. I’d highly recommend it. What I would like to do is compare the main characteristics of fascism as outlined by Parenti and compare them to what we see today with Donald Trump.
Little Bobby Deniro called him a fascist. What doesn't do you twits need?

Who is really the fascist? You may ask.. but rarely do those who throw the term around so recklessly in US politics today understand what it actually means. The man who ghostwrote 'A Doctrine of Fascism" for Benito Mussolini (Giovanni Gentile) described fascism as "Socialism's most vital form"... Government corporatism is most closely shown here in the US in the Affordable Care Act legislation.

Who is really the fascist? You may ask.. but rarely do those who throw the term around so recklessly in US politics today understand what it actually means. The man who ghostwrote 'A Doctrine of Fascism" for Benito Mussolini (Giovanni Gentile) described fascism as "Socialism's most vital form"... Government corporatism is most closely shown here in the US in the Affordable Care Act legislation.
Corporate capitalism is shown most by constant tax cuts and deregulation. It also includes power in government for corporate leaders. Trump did that bigly. https://www.pewresearch.org/short-r...be-one-of-most-business-heavy-in-u-s-history/
Trump is less fascist than is the current illegal illegitimate Regime....this argument does not hunt.

Republicans pitch tax cuts for corporations, the wealthy in 2025​

Republicans in Congress are preparing to not just extend former president Donald Trump’s 2017 tax cuts if they win control of Washington in November’s elections, but also lower rates even more for corporations, laying the early groundwork for a ferocious debate over taxes and spending next year and beyond.

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) lowered rates for individuals of nearly all income levels, though it cut taxes most for the highest earners, and slashed the maximum corporate tax rate from 35 percent to 21 percent. The individual portions of that law expire in 2025, but Republicans who wrote the law made the business tax cuts permanent.

Now GOP lawmakers and some of Trump’s economic advisers are considering more corporate tax breaks — which could expand the national debt by roughly $1 trillion over the next decade, according to researchers at Stanford University and MIT — arguing that they would improve the U.S.’s global competitiveness.

"The final characteristic of fascism, according to Parenti, is opposition to socialism, communism, anarchism, or any left-wing, egalitarian movements or doctrines."

Look at this forum. A very common theme of right wingers is their hatred of the left.
And you don't see the obvious hatred by the left for the right? We on the right don't necessarily hate biden, for we hate every disastrous belief or action he's imposed on America. But you lefties who have a serious TDS affliction are hating on Trump 24/7.