What holyrollers are saying of real change in america

What is really suprising to me is---look at these people!!! They are a bunch of slack jawed country hick with no education like we have. Yet---their intuition trumps your education. They are correct about not trusting Obama. Their details are weak, but their intuition is correct. It is amazing how your intuition and natural defense systems were erased with your so called education and political correctness. Believe it or not--these people have more wisdom than the people laughing at them. They can smell a enemy 10 miles away--while columbia university invites them to speak and tell you they kill gays--and you accept that. I know you still feel it. I know you are scared of Obama too. Deep down--back before you were taught that being multi culti is the coolest thing in the world--you know he is dangerous, or at least suspect it. Fess up. If your an American, you should be scared of Obama IMO. If your not a person that loves America or despises America---well--I see why you would like him.
What is really suprising to me is---look at these people!!! They are a bunch of slack jawed country hick with no education like we have. Yet---their intuition trumps your education. They are correct about not trusting Obama. Their details are weak, but their intuition is correct. It is amazing how your intuition and natural defense systems were erased with your so called education and political correctness. Believe it or not--these people have more wisdom than the people laughing at them. They can smell a enemy 10 miles away--while columbia university invites them to speak and tell you they kill gays--and you accept that. I know you still feel it. I know you are scared of Obama too. Deep down--back before you were taught that being multi culti is the coolest thing in the world--you know he is dangerous, or at least suspect it. Fess up. If your an American, you should be scared of Obama IMO. If your not a person that loves America or despises America---well--I see why you would like him.

To be sure, majority, we are programmed not to act in our self-interests by the 'institutions' of society. Republican internationlist fascists do their part as well by telling us oursourcing is good for us, well, not US, the collective, which we, as individuals, may or may not be a part of, depending on if we get outsourced or not.
What I would like to know is this:

What in that clip gave the impression that these people are "holyrollers?" They are obviously uninformed but are they necessarily "holyrollers?"