What Is A RINO Neo-Con Conservative?


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The RINO Neo-conservatives are folks that have adopted the neo-conservative mentality of WAR.

The RINO Neo-conservatives adore and promote the unconstitutional failed violent Drug War.

The RINO Neo-conservatives promote American Imperialism abroad by meddling in foreign nation’s political and economic business.

The RINO Neo-conservatives promote and construct a National Military Industrial Complex BIGGER than all of the other nations of the world combined, (talk about redundancy).

The RINO Neo-conservatives promote an American World Police Force made up of American Military in more than 120 other nations.

The RINO Neo-conservatives promote the stupid folly of Nation Building of government in foreign nations that hate America’s guts.

The RINO Neo-conservatives are homophobes opposed to gay rights who promote the idea that BIG fucking government should decide for a (supposed) free people which adults can and cannot make free agreeable marriage contracts.

Most RINO Neo-conservatives are religionist who insist on mixing their individual religious beliefs with politics, (example) Mike Huckabee, Al-Qaeda and the Taliban.

Most RINO Neo-conservatives are ugly bastards like Peter King (RINO NY).

The RINO Neo-conservatives lie and claim to be promoters of our Constitution, when in reality most of the bastards never even read the Constitution and the ones that did trashed it in contempt.

The RINO Neo-conservatives are BIG fucking government activist who spend like fucking Democrats, create unconstitutional socialist federal government programs, love all wars started by Republican Presidents and hate all wars started and taken over by Democrat Presidents.

The only difference between RINO Neo-conservatives and neo-commie Democrats is they have different faces so fucking idiots can tell em apart on election day. Oh yeah! They have to put a BIG fucking “D” or “R” next to their name on the ballot too or else the fucking idiots in Florida will vote for Pat Buchanan thinking he’s one of their own.
LMAO; thanks for the comedy.

As usual the fucking idiot has no rational clue, thus he has no rational argument in opposition, proving the accusations therein the original post of this thread are on the money, nail hit on the head absolute truth that causes the fucking idiot to laugh himself to sleep to keep from crying himself to sleep. Sleep tight idiot!!!!!