What is actually disturbing


Actual commments from McCain's (racist) supporters:

McPalin08 (32 seconds ago) Show Hide

Yeah, yeah, yeah... It's always about race, isn't it? Don't worry, when Obama is President, I'm sure you'll get your 40 acres and a mule.

McPalin08 (4 minutes ago) Show Hide

I'm guessing they will be working in Nevada for ACORN filling out fictitious voter registration cards.

zeekle (6 minutes ago) Show Hide

they forgot to wear their brown shirts and arm bands.

teton99 (8 minutes ago) Show Hide

Obama's Real Problem With Ayers By INVESTOR'S BUSINESS DAILY
At an education forum in Venezuela, Bill Ayers showed the real issue is not his terrorist past. It's the socialist revolutionary agenda that he and Barack Obama want to impose on the nation's schools. With Chavez at his side, Ayers voiced his support for "the political educational reforms under way here in Venezuela under of President Chavez. We share the belief that education is the motor-force of revolution. . . .

McPalin08 (8 minutes ago) Show Hide

I think it means that if Obama is elected, it's the beginning of the end.

jbaldrar (8 minutes ago) Show Hide

The correct number is 92%

And it's the blacks being racist

jbaldrar (22 minutes ago) Show Hide

Just like the Hitler youth.

If you vote for this ASSHOLE you are an ASSHOLE.

knlio (22 minutes ago) Show Hide

on the issues obama votes present. he doesn't take a stand one way or the other. basically the tax payers of illinois payed him to do nothing. look up how he voted youll see.

knlio (34 minutes ago) Show Hide

look up ohio and voter fraud and youll find obama. his biggest contribution was surpise surpise fanny may and freddie mack and thats who bailed out. the ceo of freddie mack sits on his economic board that will be his economic adviser he couldnt run a company now lets let him run a country. and lets not forget about william aires.

Milkman3177 (35 minutes ago) Show Hide

obamas already turning people into nazis

McCain's ignorance machine is in full force. Don't let the forces of ignorance, hatred, and fear tear this country apart.