What Is "Hate"


Hate is what any sane person would feel towards what they don't like. Traitorous scum who thing they know better call those who don't like something "haters." Well include me as a "hater" then. Because I choose to think for myself!

Also, if you don't hate something, that must mean that you like it. Like it or not, there are those out there who would say that any middle ground is for felching homosexuals and sleazebags of the lowest sort. Here is how I see it. If you don't hate what you don't like, you must support it. If you support it, you must be willing to do it. So you should be willing to do what I will show pictures of that are common practice in some other countries. Rather than just letting such people emigrate here.

The first is of a negro performing cunnilingus on a cow to get it to lactate. Though they also blow air up a cow's ass to get it to urinate. That those people use to do things like dye their hair. I will also include a couple pictures of muslim women getting their clits cut off. This practice is more widespread in some muslim countries than others. Or by muslim groups like ISIS that some other muslim groups. The next picture I will show is people in India defecating out in the open.



Hate is anything which goes against anything a liberal believes in the current year.

Hate should be the opposite of love, which is admiration of strength. we love, because it makes us see strength in us, or, to make us feel strong, or, feel strong, secure and able. if we encounter something that makes us feel weak, we will, as you say, hate it, yes? if you were to observe how 'pretty girls' like to fight, it is to dominate the pretty girls scene, and, this means that the girls will feel strong or stronger for a while - strength, personal strength in one way or another, of course.

On the other hand, if you take a baby in a crib, all i sees is two faces smiling over it, yes? these amazing gods seem to bring it nice things to eat and let them have fluffy toys, of course. this would mean that the strength is with the parents, as, they are in control of the situation, and, naturally, the baby will see strength, seeking it, loving it. then, the parents would feel their strength reflected by the baby, and in turn admire themselves and feel strong, loving the source of the strength.
hating poor people in an attempt to think you are better than them because you were born in a better situation is pretty small of you OP.

here let me explain it to you OP.

people born in a relatively good economic situation are no more valuable to this earth than those born in a very challenging situation.

Its just easier for this world to benefit from the gifts each individual has to share with us when you are born into a situation where you are healthy, well fed and connected to a society that values your gifts.

lets examine how you chose to share what gifts you have to offer with your fellow man

you chose with all the benefits you were born with to be one of the most hated humans on the planet

a fucking racist

yes YOU are one of the most hated people on the planet

that is what racists are.

Not black people

not poor people

racists are the most hated people on the planet.

fuck you very much you evil sack of rat shit
To make the unsustainable argument that only white people 'hate' is not only sheer nonsense but is in itself a racist position to take.
That is very true and it is the liberal that gets to define what 'hate' is to begin with! One of the most unsustainable positions for these so-called 'liberals' to take is that "we should be intolerant of intolerance". They cannot see the blatant schizophrenia that underpins this position. Indeed liberalism is itself a mental condition.