what is it about October?


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I was looking back 5 years and it appears that the market always takes a dip in October, Oh Market down to 9990 when I posted this.
I remember when...

Carter was to blame for the economy in the late 70's according to the Republicans and to this day Republicans will tell you that the recover was ALL Reagan. I know it is not true but you can't convince your run of the mill Repub. BUT NOW? There is enough blame to go around. Yes Bush was president and the Republicans controlled congress for 3/4 of Bushies presidency but this is NOT just Dubyas fault. Seems the typical Republican is only into blame distribution when it is in their favor.
It's supporters.

Ohh wait that was only if it was voted in the first time. considering the several days delay we will have a recession anyway.
According to everything that I have read from everybody that this simply helps a recession last shorter. I haven't seen anybody say that this will fix everything.
Back to school with the kids, Euphoria of summer on parents flips to tuition and rising college costs.
$7K for me to just get my son started and I pay his apt rent each month.
To answer the original question.

People are always unsure in October of who will win, they get anxious.
If the quarter ending in september is bad then everyone knows the Christmas season will suck.

It means things are fucked becuase that quarter is supposed to be the hot one.

Everyone then dumps the trash in a scramble.
According to everything that I have read from everybody that this simply helps a recession last shorter. I haven't seen anybody say that this will fix everything.

That's just dumb. Whether you the bailout or not its not effect is not going to be felt immediately. As far as restoring investor confidence again that doesn't mean there still won't be down days or additional pain here. It's about the long term.
That's just dumb. Whether you the bailout or not its not effect is not going to be felt immediately. As far as restoring investor confidence again that doesn't mean there still won't be down days or additional pain here. It's about the long term.
Yeah, but the emote vote can't be gained without direct misrepresentation so he'll keep saying it all while trying to say he doesn't drink Democrat bathwater.