What is the point of philosophy?


Verified User
We miss the point of philosophy if we don’t recognise that it makes prescriptions about how the world should be or should be understood. People use philosophical arguments to interpret and shape the world—and philosophers philosophise with knowledge of and often intentions about this. And attending carefully to the consequences and potential consequences of philosophy and philosophising is a critical part of philosophical practice.

Isnt "...prescription about how the world should be.." just another way of saying, its someone's opinion? Also who decides how the world, "...should be understood."?
Isnt "...prescription about how the world should be.." just another way of saying, its someone's opinion? Also who decides how the world, "...should be understood."?

That is the point of philosophy, the discussion.

Authoritarians hate philosophy.
Don't know what you mean. Who exactly is perverting it to what ends?

Oh I know exactly what I mean, that you couldnt care the less about discussion so this philosophy thread is laughable

Leftists have perverted philosophy and if the point of philosophy is discussion then clearly the LAST thing left authoritarians want is discussion. They demand compliance.
Oh I know exactly what I mean, that you couldnt care the less about discussion so this philosophy thread is laughable

Leftists have perverted philosophy and if the point of philosophy is discussion then clearly the LAST thing left authoritarians want is discussion. They demand compliance.

You made a statement. I asked for clarification. That is what philosophy is, discussion.
You said leftists pervert philosophy. You cannot defend that statement.

And your proving my point. You cant answer the question. Leftists have no capacity for self awareness. That alone excludes you from useful discussion. Leftists dont "philosophize" they pontificate.
And your proving my point. You cant answer the question. Leftists have no capacity for self awareness. That alone excludes you from useful discussion. Leftists dont "philosophize" they pontificate.

What is your point? You made an assertion with no evidence. And clearly the topic of the thread is philosophy, not leftists.
What is your point? You made an assertion with no evidence. And clearly the topic of the thread is philosophy, not leftists.

Clearly repeating it a third time wont be helpful. Answer my question and we can "discuss" it which you claim is the point of philosophy.
Clearly repeating it a third time wont be helpful. Answer my question and we can "discuss" it which you claim is the point of philosophy.

Your question has nothing to do with the topic of the thread.

That is a very important issue for philosophy--focus on the topic of discussion. You saw "philosophy" and decided to talk about leftists.
Your question has nothing to do with the topic of the thread.

Oh course it does. If you believe what you calm that philosophy is discussion, how can someone who thinks they're never wrong engage in a useful discussion? Question #2 that likely never to be answered.
Oh course it does. If you believe what you calm that philosophy is discussion, how can someone who thinks they're never wrong engage in a useful discussion? Question #2 that likely never to be answered.

Clearly you have no desire to discuss the topic. I will not reply to you again. Good night.
We miss the point of philosophy if we don’t recognise that it makes prescriptions about how the world should be or should be understood. People use philosophical arguments to interpret and shape the world—and philosophers philosophise with knowledge of and often intentions about this. And attending carefully to the consequences and potential consequences of philosophy and philosophising is a critical part of philosophical practice.


What is the point of philosophy? Put simply...in deference to you, it's learning how to think.