What Is This?


A Convention, or an episode of the Jamie Lynn Spears Reality TV show?

Levi Johnston is on his way to join Palins at convention

The Associated Press

(09/03/08 01:50:37)

WASILLA -- The boyfriend of Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin's unwed, pregnant daughter will join the family of the Republican vice presidential candidate at the GOP convention in St. Paul, Minn.



Can anyone else remember the days when Dan Quayle was talking about unmarried mothers as a scourge? Of course, then, it was all liberals, I'm sure. I really don't like that kind of talk.

And yet, now it seems we have gone to the opposite side of this, and glamorized teen pregnancy. We are celebrating it. Let's take a look at what we're celebrating, and then you ask yourself, is this what we want for America's youth? Is this the future we want to offer to America's young girls? I think we can do better. And we can do better via education, and better access to birth control.

-Teen mothers are more likely to drop out of high school than girls who delay childbearing.

-Teen mothers are more likely to live in poverty than women who delay childbearing, and more than 75 percent of all unmarried teen mothers go on welfare within five years of the birth of their first child .

-About 78 percent of children born to an unmarried teenage high-school dropout live in poverty, compared to 9 percent of children born to women over age 20 who are married and high school graduates.

-A child born to a teenage mother is 50 percent more likely to repeat a grade in school and is more likely to perform poorly on standardized tests and drop out before finishing high school


The teenaged boyfriend should stay home. This is turning into a circus, and before you know it, there will be a new outbreak of 15 & 16 year old children of evangelicals getting pregnant "just like Bristol and Levi".

There is a happy medium between pouring scorn onto these children ala dan qualye, and celebrating them as some sort of celebrity idols. They are not role models.
Naw--if he was gay--the liberials could not pick on him.

But like most topics about the Palin famliy with the media--I don't see anything

Oh yea--Obama is good friends with terrorists, and other America haters, and his father is a polygamist (aboandons one--marries another) with 4 wives, and a half brother dirt (litterly) poor, with Obama not helping his own family at all--and a guy who campains in Europe for the president of the united states---and bad mouths our contry.-----liberials don't see anything!

Darla--Alaska has different factors than Chicago. I am sure the drop out rate numbers do not apply there. Leave it to a liberial to apply a national averahge to a state that is set apart from the average. Wanna talk about the national average for a Dem congressional support, (about 9%), and compare that to Palins Alaskan support? (about 80%)

So much for your stats. Nice try liberial--I am educated with several stats classes, while you learned Markist reading.

Watch how the American people turn against your socialism soon after Palin speaks tonight.
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Naw--if he was gay--the liberials could not pick on him.

But like most topics about the Palin famliy with the media--I don't see anything

Oh yea--Obama is good friends with terrorists, and other America haters, and his father is a polygamist (aboandons one--marries another) with 4 wives, and a half brother dirt (litterly) poor, with Obama not helping his own family at all--and a guy who campains in Europe for the president of the united states---and bad mouths our contry.-----liberials don't see anything!

Darla--Alaska has different factors than Chicago. I am sure the drop out rate numbers do not apply there. Leave it to a liberial to apply a national averahge to a state that is set apart from the average. Wanna talk about the national average for a Dem congressional support, (about 9%), and compare that to Palins Alaskan support? (about 80%)

So much for your stats. Nice try liberial--I am educated with several stats classes, while you learned Markist reading.

Watch how the American people turn against your socialism soon after Palin speaks tonight.

Most liberals do suck at stats. And yes, they argue from an emotional center, and yes this new palin hysteria is just stupid, but americans still will not buy into the republican agenda.
Most liberals do suck at stats. And yes, they argue from an emotional center, and yes this new palin hysteria is just stupid, but americans still will not buy into the republican agenda.

Why? Because the republican major agenda is now socialism. The Republican party abandoned their core principals of conserving the values of the USA, and a McCain on the top of the ticket is strong evidence of that. In no way shape or form do I see the support for Palin as stupid. I see support for the Dem party today (not in the past--JFK would be considered a staunch consertative today) as treason.
turns out that this pick for some strange reason has gotten all the conservative base excited.
Why? Because the republican major agenda is now socialism.
Nope. It's internationalist fascism.
The Republican party abandoned their core principals of conserving the values of the USA, and a McCain on the top of the ticket is strong evidence of that. In no way shape or form do I see the support for Palin as stupid. I see support for the Dem party today (not in the past--JFK would be considered a staunch consertative today) as treason.

Lesser of two evils? Go sell it to a dullard.
Yeah Chap and I can't figure out why ?
Desperation perhaps ?
This is pretty amazing to me.

Most of them know she is a bad pick, they just don't want to admit it. They are just pretending to be excited like faithful little robots.

A lot of Republicans pretend that they don't tote water. They'll even claim they are not going to vote GOP and are considering the Libertarian or other third party candidates, if the GOP's candidate is not true to the "principles." To keep up this facade they search for any small reason they can to vote GOP while maintaining that it was not already a certainty. Palin gives them an out here. But they would have said it was because Obama was such a danger or some other rationalization without her.

We have several of these self-delusioned people on board.

It is not as if the Dems don't have these same sorts. The supposed anti-war dems are just about all the same type.
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I just try and go with which one I judge to be the lesser of the evils String.

I am not really for anyone in this election. Obama has a few possibilities, McCain is 4 more years.