what is wrong with posting vs emails

don I really don't know what you are talking about, to be perfectly honest O_o

my random guess off the top of my head is you are subscribed to the forum, and then maybe users you have on ignore still have those threads emailed to you. But that's just a guess. Either that or you are being communicated to by the JPP ghosts O_O
don I really don't know what you are talking about, to be perfectly honest O_o

my random guess off the top of my head is you are subscribed to the forum, and then maybe users you have on ignore still have those threads emailed to you. But that's just a guess. Either that or you are being communicated to by the JPP ghosts O_O

perhaps, it has not happened subsequently and since it is not repeatable maybe i was hallucinating - but i do no think so

if it happens again i will let you know
A post gets deleted after you get notification by email?

all i know is that i received an email for a post and when i went to the op to reply the emailed post was not there

this happened to a few emails on one day and has not recurred since
I just did a post and then deleted it.
If the system scans and responds fast enough you shoul dhave gotten 2 emails about this thread.
I just did a post and then deleted it.
If the system scans and responds fast enough you shoul dhave gotten 2 emails about this thread.


part of the problem with tracking this problem is that i deleted the emails before i went to reply to them

the system seems to be working ok now, so i do not know what to say
So the missing posts were just deleted by the poster or a mod before you went to look for them.

Mystery solved by uscitizen.
all i know is that i received an email for a post and when i went to the op to reply the emailed post was not there

this happened to a few emails on one day and has not recurred since

chances are it is somebody who deleted their post.