What kind of charges???


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A man at a political event was arrested for impersonating a Federal Marshall. He had a badge identifying him as a Federal Marshall. He also had two loaded guns one concealed and he had multiple extra ammunition clips. He also had belt-clip federal ID .

Would you charge him with :

A. Multiple Felonies
B. Misdemeanors
A man at a political event was arrested for impersonating a Federal Marshall. He had a badge identifying him as a Federal Marshall. He also had two loaded guns one concealed and he had multiple extra ammunition clips. He also had belt-clip federal ID .

Would you charge him with :

A. Multiple Felonies
B. Misdemeanors

This was at a speech by RFK jr who has asked the biden administration for secret service protection but was denied. They said they offer secret service protection to "serious" contenders and not until 6 months before the election. Carter gave Ted Kennedy secret service protection well before the 6 months when he ran against Carter. Given that RFK jrs father and uncle were assinated why not protect him?
This was at a speech by RFK jr who has asked the biden administration for secret service protection but was denied. They said they offer secret service protection to "serious" contenders and not until 6 months before the election. Carter gave Ted Kennedy secret service protection well before the 6 months when he ran against Carter. Given that RFK jr father and uncle were assassinated why not protect him?
Should he be charged with a felony or misdemeanor?
Undoubtedly he was trying to harm RFK Jr. So you think impersonating a Federal Marshall should be a felony?

Yes. Using a pretend Hollywood one that really never was for an avatar online is not the same as actually impersonating a Federal marshall.
Yes. Using a pretend Hollywood one for an avatar online is not the same as actually impersonating a Federal Marshall.
This armed impostor was trying to gain access to RFK Jr. whose father was assassinated while running for President and whose uncle was assassinated while he was President. Should Joke Bribem extend Secret Service protection to RFK Jr. ?
A man at a political event was arrested for impersonating a Federal Marshall. He had a badge identifying him as a Federal Marshall. He also had two loaded guns one concealed and he had multiple extra ammunition clips. He also had belt-clip federal ID .

Would you charge him with :

A. Multiple Felonies
B. Misdemeanors

I wouldn't charge the poor bastard with anything
I'd just quietly and humanely put him to sleep.

Sometimes it's appropriate to just be practical and efficient
without making a big production out of it.
A man at a political event was arrested for impersonating a Federal Marshall. He had a badge identifying him as a Federal Marshall. He also had two loaded guns one concealed and he had multiple extra ammunition clips. He also had belt-clip federal ID .

Would you charge him with :

A. Multiple Felonies
B. Misdemeanors

Depend on what he did with the badge, his record and any indication of his intent.

We had a local homeless crazy guy who wheeled around in his wheelchair with a real police badge attached to his shirt.
We debated what to do about it and decided to leave him alone... but a few months later he was at the scene of a car wreck and tried to direct traffic with his badge He was arrested for a misdemeanor, had to surrender the badge and get a mental health evaluation. I saw him a few months later with a new, this time fake badge.
Depend on what he did with the badge, his record and any indication of his intent.

We had a local homeless crazy guy who wheeled around in his wheelchair with a real police badge attached to his shirt.
We debated what to do about it and decided to leave him alone... but a few months later he was at the scene of a car wreck and tried to direct traffic with his badge He was arrested for a misdemeanor, had to surrender the badge and get a mental health evaluation. I saw him a few months later with a new, this time fake badge.

He was illegally trying to gain access to JFK Jr. whose father and uncle were both assassinated.