What Makes A Common Philosopher Become A Historical Prophet/Founding Father Figure...


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...for generations after dying until extinction arrives.

People built a society for generations around his or her ideas about life beyond biologically alive here now.
I got nothing!

I never doubted that. You are dedicated to intellectual superiority at commanding language arts to navigate actual time equally evolving now instinctively with only existing as biologically present since conceived to live in series parallel with all life limited to ancestrally present.
Without reasonable doubt, where would humanity be beyond pretending now isn't eternity created by a natural occurring perpetual balancing between compounding DNA results adapting tooccupying space while specifically here denying here is all life limits to any species native to its original atmosphere developing current population never same ancestor twice having identical DNA. That half life results regardless male, female, asexual means to reproduce as plant or animal, predator, or prey, generation gap when occupying space before or currently.