What Most People Think


New member
(Who are afraid of Obama becoming President)

What makes you believe that Obama is a marxist?
Because of his associations with Ayers and Dohrn, and HIS OWN STATEMENTS about "punishing the rich", AND "FROM EACH ACCORDING TO HIS MEANS, TO EACH......ETC., ETC. Its' strait Karl Marx, Libs.
Mr. Obama, like most Democrats, doesn't believe that people should have to EARN their place in life. He believes that they should have it HANDED to them, by a Liberal Govt., to "correct past wrongs", or to ":take it from "the RICH", becuse they only GOT rich by "stepping onn the backs of the poor".
It's the SAME OLD tired Marxism that DOESNT work. First, you INSULT and make SLAVES of people, when you "chain" them to a govt. check. Just LOOK at the GENERATIONS, grandma, mom, daughter, baby, that are STILL IMPRISONED in the Sysdtem. Aperson has to feel the EARNED sometning in life, to have self-worth. And WHO are DEMOCRATS, or REPUBLICANS, for that matter, to arbiotrarily decide WHO they will TAKE from, and WHO to GIVE to? God? And the most important thing. Some of you are Liberals for Charitable and Good reasons, you have Good Hearts, even thogh Histopry shows SOCIALISM DOES NOT WORK. The poeople at the Top are ALWAYS CORRUPTED. Absolute Power corrupts Absolutely. What you don't want to FACE, is that MANY Liberal Politicians are ONLY Liberal for THE POWER THAT THE VOTES WILL GIVE THEM! Surely, you must see THAT! Repub.',s are getting just as BAD. I have a Heart. I want to HELP people. But they have to EARN it, unless they're SICK.
Forgive my spelling mistakes, today-rushing.

What makes you think Obama Hates American?
His staements, his associations. Read the other qyuestions, its all the same reasons.

What makes you think Obama hates whites?
A.)Because he sat and listened to , applauded for, and called his "Spiritual Father and Mentor"(can't get a better sign of Agreement than THAT), a Man that says "God Damn America to HELL", that we are ALL DAMNED, because African Tribes sold their conquered Slaves to Europeans, who then brought them to Europe, then later, America, 400 years ago. Obama ALSO wrote Books and Speeches with this man. This man, Rev. Wright, also claims that the "White American Govt." ALSO brought AIDS INTO AMERICA, AND GAVE IT JUST TO THE BLACK MAN, SO HE (AMER. GOVT) COULD KILL OFF ALL THE BLACK MEN. Obama didn't just go to church, then leave, after he heard this Ridiculous racial Hatred. HE STAYED TWENTY YEARS! I could give you LOTS more, if you like.

What makes you this Mrs Obama hates everything?
I only think Michelle is an Angry Black Woman, Brainwashed by the Marxism she has absorbed, like Barack.(I've NEVER been proud of my country(America), until TODAY(the day Barack won his 1st primary)

Do you just believe what ever you want without any facts to back your beliefs or do you use any real information to make up your opinions?
A.)No, we BELIEVE these things, along with about 100 Million others, because of 1) statements made by Barack, 2.)statements made by Michelle, 3) statements made by Rev. Wright, 4)statements made by William Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn, Baracks freind, who was a Weather Underground Bomber of the Pentagon, Capitol, NYPD HQ, and they BRAG ABOUT IT, AND NOT GOING TO JAIL.