What Our Tax Dollars Pay For?!!


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We need to re-prioritize our tax dollars?!!
And yet conservatives are already scheming to avoid the mandatory cuts imposed due to their Tea-rorist budgetary hostage-taking games...


We need to re-prioritize our tax dollars?!!

What's interesting is, if you used a full-length photo of Obama to represent his deficit spending over the past 4 years, the top of the chart would come to his knees! The chart also doesn't include entitlement programs or the interest on the national debt, both of which would dwarf the cool looking rocket.

But hey... I think it is a definite sign of improvement that liberals are becoming more conscious about money and how it's spent. It seems that maybe they are understanding there isn't a big mythical pile of endless money in Washington, which can fund virtually anything their liberal minds dream up. Perhaps they are starting to grasp, that every single dollar our government spends, comes out of our pockets as taxpayers?

Howey: That's sad too...especially when you consider our teachers are probably the lowest paid of that group.
Bijou: And the U.S. is near the bottom in Math and Science...

Which says something about what we get when the government is in charge!
they also didn't mention that nearly a third of the money they identify for "Militarism and War" is dedicated to the future healthcare of veterans, which would certainly mess up their graph......
they also didn't mention that nearly a third of the money they identify for "Militarism and War" is dedicated to the future healthcare of veterans, which would certainly mess up their graph......

What's even more ironic, is people who have spent over $5 trillion in 4 years on absolutely NOTHING, have the nerve to post such a thing.

It really does go to show just how utterly STUPID they believe the American public is.
they also didn't mention that nearly a third of the money they identify for "Militarism and War" is dedicated to the future healthcare of veterans, which would certainly mess up their graph......

Didn't multimillionaire Mittzie suggest privatizing veteran healthcare, PiMP?