What power do employeers have?


20 years ago, it started with "new hire" employee drug testing. It is legal to search your body with no probable cause, because you sign that piece of paper for the new employeer, giving up a constitutional right. If you don't sign it, because you have a right to protect your constitional rights, you won't be considered for the position Now, some employeers are telling their employees not to say anything about the company they work for on line--on their own time.

Now--to get a job, you give up your constitutional rights of privacy and freedom of speech, so you can pay your bills with no chance of wealth like the employeers have. Random testing is now in vogue, and I had one employeer tell me that they do random because the suspect "all of our employees might be on drugs"- (because they show up for work?). So they random test the employees. I am glad our police department does not feel the same way--or this employeer might be told to do a street side anal search--because the law suspects her for doing spmething against the law with no probable cause. We would have a more corrupt ploice force than mexico has.

To the best of my knowledge, the only other way a citizan can lose any constitutional rights is to be placed under arrest, where you become a "ward of the state".

Does your work place feel like jail to you? Get another job if you can. They are the people who started a business to have a shot at welth. Their business grows because of demand, so they hire people to help them out. How about you employeers start understanding the fact---that you do not own your employees in this country.