What Religion you belong ?

I had a Epiphany Nov 1 1975,for me religion has to be reality,I can't believe in a theory.
For me reality is Jesus is Lord!
I am an ex Catholic. How I could have believed the crap they fed me as a kid, i will never figure out. There is no god.
I'm officially Episcopalian, aka Church of England,aka Anglican. As a young adult, a good place to meet chicks and the one I went to was a historical beauty with a huge pipe organ that the organist had to study in Germany to play it well.
He'd go off on tangents sometimes and it was like being at a Rick Wakeman concert.
Overall a good experience.
I'm a pretty spiritual person. But don't claim to belong to any one religion. My father is Methodist. My mother follows native traditions for the most part. So I was exposed to both when I was younger. Christianity kind of always felt off to me. Never felt anything when I was in church with dad and my grand parents. It always seemed odd to me that a God as powerful as theirs would want to damn me for eternity for not being his cheerleader. I mean if zi were a king that would mean my son's and daughters would be kings and Queens. Why would I want them to bend their knees to me?
Starters, that priests have more knowledge about god and the afterlife than any other random human. They do not. They live distorted weird lives. When I was a kid, the parishoners talked openly about the priests going too far with young boys. But they accepted it. Why?

Then a book written by old age people actually has meaning today. The bible was edited in councils and kings had the power to change it too. But it is the word of god? WTF. How stupid and afraid are people? The church is a business and it wants your money. Just look at the estates of evangelists and you will see what they believe in. It is getting your money.

Women are not good enough to have power in the church. They are laborers doing the real work. What the church has done to nuns over the centuries is abuse.
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