what sector of our economy profits from the dropping value of the dollar

Don Quixote

cancer survivor

is a weak dollar good for the us of a's economy?

is a weak dollar good for most citizens or just some manufacturers?

is it helping most of bushco's friends or just the best contributors?

what will a continued low valued dollar do for the us of a?

any answers/suggestions?
Well, one thing that will happen is that people will slowly start dumping the dollar, which will rob the US of much of the leverage it used to have in international markets.
The weak dollar may have been good for China, who no one ever trusted anyway. But we're just selling our trust to the man in the black hat for a couple of pennies.

Budweiser got bought out by a Belgian. Considering that Belgium makes some of the world's best beers, I don't know why someone would buy out a shitty beer like Bud, but he was tempted by the low value of the dollar.

Budweiser got bought out by a Belgian. Considering that Belgium makes some of the world's best beers, I don't know why someone would buy out a shitty beer like Bud, but he was tempted by the low value of the dollar.

get real...Anhauser Bush/Adolph Coors..and where do you think these breweries got their start...well from Immigrants from the old country...and they brought their recipes with them...you are a child who thinks it is not cool to support US local /products as those from a far away place have the mystery and glamor and a higher price...so they must be better!:rolleyes:
Buttweiser is now foreign owned/controlled ?

Wow might as well just hange it up, apple pie and hot dogs will be bought by China next.
does anyone remember when japan bought large parts of us land and industry then lost great amounts of money when our economy tanked