What the demagogues bet you don't know

"According to Energy Information Administration figures from 2007, crude oil makes up about 58% of what we pay for gas. This consists of finding the crude oil, getting it out of the ground, transporting it to the refinery, maintaining a reserve capacity of crude oil and profit (back to the evil word 'profit' later).

Refining the crude oil makes up another 17%. This consists of producing special blends of gasoline to meet clean air mandates, transporting the gasoline to the stations and profit. Another 10% is added at the retail level for operational and marketing costs and profit. And finally, about 15% goes to federal and state taxes.

It is not the fault of oil companies that their product faces what economists refer to as 'inelastic' demand. When the price of gas goes up, we do consume less. However, our reduction falls by a smaller percentage than the percentage increase in price, leading to increased profits (assuming costs are constant). This is simply a function of a free market.

Punishing oil companies is perverse logic. Slapping on a windfall profits tax will indeed cause gas consumption to fall (as the tax is passed on to the consumer); however, beware of the unintended side effects. Lower oil demand will lead to lower oil prices, which in turn will lead to higher consumption, thereby reducing the incentive to find alternative energy sources.

The ultimate irony is that while oil companies earn about 8 to 10 cents per dollar of sales, the state of Wisconsin earns 32.9 cents for every gallon of gas sold and the federal government takes another 18 cents. So who is gouging whom? Thus, state and federal government receive more than 50 cents a gallon for doing nothing.

At least oil companies are producing the gas, creating jobs, paying taxes and searching for alternative sources of fuel. Oil companies spend billions of dollars on alternative fuel sources. So taxing their profits simply reduces their incentive to continue doing so.

We have placed oil companies between a rock and a hard place. We would not find ourselves in this pickle if we allowed them to drill in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and/or made it easier for them to build more refineries. We demand lower gas prices, yet we stand in the way of any potential solution. Then we turn around and curse the oil companies, accusing them of collusion.

Not a single investigation has produced any credible evidence of price gouging, yet we insist oil executives testify in front of Congress for policies created by Congress! Any time Congress messes with the laws of supply and demand, things get worse.

I am continually amazed at the lack of basic economic knowledge on the part of our elected officials. In the name of the environment, we have created our own shortages as the United States has ample supplies of untapped oil. The U.S cannot conserve its way out of higher gas prices since the world's economies are growing.

Furthermore, my guess is that millions of Americans own stock in the major oil companies through their retirement plans

This is a damn good article ... again making the case for new exploration and refinery building. Think about it... 32 years since we last built a refinery ....
The ultimate irony is that while oil companies earn about 8 to 10 cents per dollar of sales, the state of Wisconsin earns 32.9 cents for every gallon of gas sold and the federal government takes another 18 cents. So who is gouging whom? Thus, state and federal government receive more than 50 cents a gallon for doing nothing.

The gas taxes are used to build roads. The profits go to building a billionaires second palatial residence and keeping his trophy wife happy.

I've never heard something so disingenous in my life. If you think that "nothing" is done with gas taxes, go head to Somalia, your dreamland, where there are no gas taxes and no roads.
Who owns "Big Oil"?

"The biggest piece of the pie is 29.5% in mutual funds and other firms, and who is poking out of that pie piece but a hard working black construction worker- the very opposite of the greedy, spoiled, cigar smoking white fat cats the populists assume are pulling the strings. 27% in pension funds- grandma and grandpa. 23% to individual investors- you and your buddies. 14% in IRAs- good ol’ farmers. And finally 1.5% to corporate management, and 5% to ‘other institutional investors."


Fat-cat billionaires? Look no further than the Jackass Party: [ame]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Soros[/ame]

The difference is, Republicans don't envy/hate rich people.

Tax on the oil companies? "the consumer ultimately pays the tax. Revenues collected from the federal tax on gasoline support the Highway Trust Fund and the Leaking Underground Storage Tank Trust Fund. All but 0.1 cent of the revenues supports the Highway Trust Fund. The Treasury Department transfers collections from the Highway Trust Fund to other trust funds dependent on the ultimate use of the gasoline."


How much of the cost of a gallon of gas goes to taxes?

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But that 10% slapped on for profit is MORE MONEY when the base costs are higher, so they are incented in that way to keep supply low, it's less work for more money.
But that 10% slapped on for profit is MORE MONEY when the base costs are higher, so they are incented in that way to keep supply low, it's less work for more money.

If it is an incentive, they why don't the Oil Companies just cut production in half and slap 20% on to the price for profit. They would still have the same money coming in, but less overhead in production thereby increasing their profits even more. They would sell less and make more. The retailer would be able to make more money and everyone in the oil business would be happy. :pke: :eek:
If it is an incentive, they why don't the Oil Companies just cut production in half and slap 20% on to the price for profit. They would still have the same money coming in, but less overhead in production thereby increasing their profits even more. They would sell less and make more. The retailer would be able to make more money and everyone in the oil business would be happy. :pke: :eek:

They have their friends in congress pass assinine environmental laws to achieve a similare effect.
They have their friends in congress pass assinine environmental laws to achieve a similare effect.

What Political Party do these friends in congress belong to that pass the "assinine environmental laws" that causes a lower of production of the fuel needed for practically every facet of life?
What Political Party do these friends in congress belong to that pass the "assinine environmental laws" that causes a lower of production of the fuel needed for practically every facet of life?

Mostly dems probably, oh, and of course, the republican presidential candidate.
Mostly dems probably, oh, and of course, the republican presidential candidate.

What legislation has McCain voted on that could be construed as far left-environmental legislation? I am not saying that it did not happen, I just do not know of it. I am asking you respectfully, please enlighten me on this matter.
What legislation has McCain voted on that could be construed as far left-environmental legislation? I am not saying that it did not happen, I just do not know of it. I am asking you respectfully, please enlighten me on this matter.

He talks openly about the greenhouse gas and carbon credit transfer programs. He's perpetuating the lie, and promising to do something about it. He's an enviro-totalitarian, face it. You can't spin out of it.
Mccain on enviro-totalitarianism.
Q.Why should voters consider you the strongest green candidate? What sets your platform on energy and the environment apart from the others?

A.My clear record of environmental advocacy and activism, ranging from my efforts to protect the Grand Canyon to working with [Connecticut Sen.] Joe Lieberman to get a cap-and-trade proposal to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions through the United States Senate.

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He talks openly about the greenhouse gas and carbon credit transfer programs. He's perpetuating the lie, and promising to do something about it. He's an enviro-totalitarian, face it. You can't spin out of it.

Yep and has basically agreed with a windfall profit tax, while like the Democrats being opposed to drilling here. Yet, no problem letting others drill here. :rolleyes:
He talks openly about the greenhouse gas and carbon credit transfer programs. He's perpetuating the lie, and promising to do something about it. He's an enviro-totalitarian, face it. You can't spin out of it.

Well, at least we can agree that all of that Carbon Credit and Greenhouse Gas nonsense is exactly that... nonsense.