what the G20 thought of Bush

Dead man walking. No-one on this side of the Atlantic is paying any attention to him at this stage. Indeed we haven't been paying any attention to him for a number of years now.
It looks as if he were dubed in that video, noone even makes eye contact with him.
Before the front row came out on stage, the back row whispered a message down the line...*pssst, dont touch that guy, he's got the mange, pass it on...*

Gotta love Karma! Bites you in the ass sometimes. LOL
Well, it all started back in 2000 when he was "elected", then some really bad shit went down and he accidentally broke the world.

I would love to belive that, maybe its true, but he is friends with Blair and Merkle who both appeared to snub him.
Bush thrown under the bus by his party and the world leaders.

just beautiful if he and his minions had not screwed us so royally.
What was Blair doing there? We got rid of him last year.

I don't see Blair there. The line up as Bush walks along is (from memory so I could quite easilly be wrong on some of the faces):

1. someome I don't recognise
2. Ban Ki Moon UN Sec Gen
3. Silvio "The Crook" Berlusconi of Italy
4. José Manuel Barroso, Pres European Commission
5. Gordon Brown, PM UK
6. Angela merkel, German Kanzler
7. José Luis Zapatero of Spain
8. don't recognise

Bush is preceded by an Asian leader I don't recognise and succeded by a very animated Lula of Brazil.
Dead man walking. No-one on this side of the Atlantic is paying any attention to him at this stage. Indeed we haven't been paying any attention to him for a number of years now.

You should care. He's not out of office yet. There's an old saying here in America. "To err is human.....but to really fuck up you need a Republican!"

or is that an IT department?
bush didn't reach out his hand, how can you say he was snubbed by everyone?

To be honest, i'd assumed that as Bush was hosting the event he'd already done the meet and greet thing as the various big world cheeses filed in. There probably wasn't much point in him repeating the process for the photoshoot.

However, that isn't as interesting to bloggers and message-board peoples.
thank you charver.

Also the guy behind him doesn't end up shaking one guys hand. Maybe he was snubbed too.
thank you charver.

Also the guy behind him doesn't end up shaking one guys hand. Maybe he was snubbed too.

I'm not convinced by the snubbing thing either, although Bush does seem to spend an awful lot of time looking at that Asian bloke's bottom.
To be honest, i'd assumed that as Bush was hosting the event he'd already done the meet and greet thing as the various big world cheeses filed in. There probably wasn't much point in him repeating the process for the photoshoot.

However, that isn't as interesting to bloggers and message-board peoples.
I've actually wondered since I first read this thread when people would realize this singular epiphany.

It's quite unrealistic to assume that absolutely nobody would even "look at him" as was stated in the thread. We hosted it. He shook everybody's hands at the opening, repeating the process for the photo shoot is a waste of time.