What the right is afraid you'll find out

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“As an American who has been living in Europe for most of the last 20 years, one who has visited doctors numerous times in four different countries, whose two children were brought into this world in European hospitals (France and England), who has himself spent a week in a public British hospital, and who underwent an operation in a private British clinic, I think I can say a thing or two about health care in Europe.

“Our out of pocket expenses for the births? Zero, even though in France my wife spent 5 days in the hospital after the birth, which is standard, by the way.

“During the three years we lived in England, we never once paid for medicine for our children. Visits to the GP are free for everybody.

“My expenses for the week in the NHS hospital? Zero.

“The cost of the operation in the private clinic? Zero.

“In Western Europe you would never be forced to sell your home in order to pay for your medical bills.

“In short, in the US, you pay more, get less, and die younger than we do in Europe. What part of that don’t you understand?

“My fellow Americans, you have nothing to fear except those who would use fear to keep you enslaved to the myth of the might of the American health care system.”

Jeff Degan

There are many opportunities out there to tax negative externalities, and the use of a broadly shared tax burden to fund progressive social safety nets in Europe seems to work well.
They pay much less per capita on health care than the USA does. Their life expectancy is higher.
Obviously they do a more efficient job of healthcare than the USA does.
There are many opportunities out there to tax negative externalities, and the use of a broadly shared tax burden to fund progressive social safety nets in Europe seems to work well.

Strange how those with the self proclaimed goal of reducing waste, etc are the most outspoken opponents of having a similar system in the USA.
They hate the poor so much they're willing to do almost anything to hurt them?
Strange how those with the self proclaimed goal of reducing waste, etc are the most outspoken opponents of having a similar system in the USA.

some redundancy creates a more robust network, ensuring failover and avoiding a single point of failure. You only have a ged.

Of course the nihilist population control freaks need to monopolize healthcare before it can be systematically denied from the population. The irony is thick.
some redundancy creates a more robust network, ensuring failover and avoiding a single point of failure. You only have a ged.

Of course the nihilist population control freaks need to monopolize healthcare before it can be systematically denied from the population. The irony is thick.

AHZ is truely batshitcrazy
AHZ is truely batshitcrazy

Your brain is so misconfigured, so innoculated against the truth by malignant memes, that the truth is nearly incomprehensible to you.

So many year of worshipping unity and collectivism have rendered you intellectually inert.