What the Taliban and Christian conservatives have in common


Racism Watchdog
What the Taliban and Christian conservatives have in common

American proponents of Sharia bans pay little attention to the U.S. Constitution, which mandates the separation of religion and state. The campaigners continue to promote “anti-Sharia” legislation that seeks to ban Islamic law in U.S. courts, despite the fact that religious laws, Islamic or not, are prohibited from ever trumping American law. Its superfluity notwithstanding, the Sharia bogeyman has helped galvanize support for conservative Christians’ push for laws in a number of state legislatures across the country. In Oklahoma, one of the first states to pass a Sharia ban, a ballot initiative in 2010 resulted in 70 percent of voters approving the ban. Their votes followed a fervid pre-election campaign that painted the Sharia threat as pressing and imminent. At the end of 2013, nearly 26 U.S states had introduced some form of such legislation. So resolute are the anti-Sharia campaigners that they stand undeterred even after a federal judge in Oklahoma declared the bans unnecessary and unconstitutional last fall. In 2014, several states are expected to introduce new anti-Sharia bills into their legislative sessions.

Xenophobia and fundamental religious belief seem to go hand in hand.
The biggest differences are A. the name of the sky daddy and 2. ISIS and the other religious fundies in the Middle East get to DO the things American Christians would like to do if they could.
Our fundies are jelly. They want to behead unbelievers, stone women to death and throw gays off buildings, don't they?

But we won't let them.

That must be why they say there's a war on Christianity.
Our fundies are jelly. They want to behead unbelievers, stone women to death and throw gays off buildings, don't they?

But we won't let them.

That must be why they say there's a war on Christianity.

They love to say they are persecuted. It's a big part of their shtick.
They love to say they are persecuted. It's a big part of their shtick.

Murder is a religious law. Theft is a religious law. And there are many other examples. And they were religious law long before there was common law.
The Constitution nowhere calls for a seperation of church and state. It does prohibit the establishment of a state religion. You know like how Catholicism was in much of Europe or CofE in Great Britain or the Kirk in Scotland.

The reason you don't argue murder theft etal is that most all religions agree on it. The reason sharia law is objected to is that it only applies to muslims which not only runs afoul of the establishment clause, it also violates equal protection.

Is that clear enough for you ?