what to do about societies parasites and drones

Don Quixote

cancer survivor
feed them, give them shelter

it is cheaper than trying to devise schemes to keep them out

for example, it costs more to oversee the food for welfare recipients program than to just give food away to those that want it

i say have food items in grocery stores that are ingredients rather than preprepared food

any citizen that wants food can go to some office and get a card with a magnetic strip that will let them get food - anyone - the incentive for fraud drops away since anyone can get it

it would also eliminate hunger for children since their parents cannot sell their groceries for cash for recreational drugs
Does it really?

yes, it is the administrative overhead and fraud prevention costs that increase the cost of the program (used to be called food stamps) additionally, people would sell their food for recreational drugs and not fed their kids - if anyone can get it then selling the food no longer would work