What Unpopular Decisions is Biden Predicting?


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Biden to Supporters: "Gird Your Loins", For the Next President "It's Like Cleaning Augean Stables"

October 20, 2008 7:35 AM

ABC News' Matthew Jaffe Reports: Sen. Joe Biden, D-Del., on Sunday guaranteed that if elected, Sen. Barack Obama., D-Ill., will be tested by an international crisis within his first six months in power and he will need supporters to stand by him as he makes tough, and possibly unpopular, decisions.

"Mark my words," the Democratic vice presidential nominee warned at the second of his two Seattle fundraisers Sunday. "It will not be six months before the world tests Barack Obama like they did John Kennedy. The world is looking. We're about to elect a brilliant 47-year-old senator president of the United States of America. Remember I said it standing here if you don't remember anything else I said. Watch, we're gonna have an international crisis, a generated crisis, to test the mettle of this guy."

"I can give you at least four or five scenarios from where it might originate," Biden said to Emerald City supporters, mentioning the Middle East and Russia as possibilities. "And he's gonna need help. And the kind of help he's gonna need is, he's gonna need you - not financially to help him - we're gonna need you to use your influence, your influence within the community, to stand with him. Because it's not gonna be apparent initially, it's not gonna be apparent that we're right."


"I probably shouldn't have said all this because it dawned on me that the press is here," he joked.

More at link....
I swear, we should start a new conspiracy thread as to whether or not Hillary is paying Biden to undermine Obama so she can run next time. We can even speculate if she influenced the last one so she could run this time.
If McCain doesn't have a "not ready to lead" ad featuring Biden's own promise of an International Crisis of huge proportions then there is something seriously wrong with his campaign...

I can hear it already:

"Even Joe Biden knows that...."
I'm still waiting to see if Biden can get BOTH feet in his mouth at the same time, and if the Dummycrats would STILL support him! My bet is, YES HE CAN, and YES THEY WOULD!
you all can't be real surprised about this, can you?

what are the odds we see martial law imposed by a dem majority using NORTHCOM to confiscate all privately owned firearms that hadn't been lost in a boating accident?
you all can't be real surprised about this, can you?

what are the odds we see martial law imposed by a dem majority using NORTHCOM to confiscate all privately owned firearms that hadn't been lost in a boating accident?


You're most important asset - your gun - shall go out of the window! Even with all your other freedoms, surely you shall suffer without your gun!
I'm still waiting to see if Biden can get BOTH feet in his mouth at the same time, and if the Dummycrats would STILL support him! My bet is, YES HE CAN, and YES THEY WOULD!

Yeah, I'm seeing the same thing about him. I think the following equation is evident:

Biden = :FootMouth:
"All kidding aside, these guys have left us in a God-awful place," he then said of the Bush regime, promptly wrapping up his remarks. "We have the ability to straighten it out. It's gonna take a little bit of time, so I ask you to stay with us. Stay with us."

This is how he wrapped up, and i think that this is absolutely correct, and i think that everyone knows it. I have heard Pat Buchanan posit that the R's would be relieved to lose this one, because the next president, no matter who it is, is going to be a one-termer due to the historic bush mess. We all know this bus isn't getting turned around over night. It took nearly eight years to take down the United States economy and destroy our reputation around the world, and to nearly decimate our military. Nearly eight years.

But the other stuff that Biden said is simply the stupidest shit I have ever seen a serious politiican spew. I think that he should be checked for a stroke. I understand he has been sent back to Deleware. I said during the primaries that I had noticed that Hillary, at 60, was showing signs of exhaustion. And that John McCain was no Hillary, and so I expected Obama's youth to be a huge plus in the damaging, brutal, schedule these candidates must keep. Biden is what, 65? Mental exhaustion might be playing a role, but it doesn't excuse this kind of fucking stupidity. I have no fucking idea what he is babbling about here. I've lost a lot of confidence in him, and I don't mean as a VP candidate, which is based on his ability to be a help to the ticket. I mean in his ability to be a leader should the need arise.

He sounds mentally fucking ill to me here.
you all can't be real surprised about this, can you?

what are the odds we see martial law imposed by a dem majority using NORTHCOM to confiscate all privately owned firearms that hadn't been lost in a boating accident?

It must feel good to know this is your base.

Oh the odds are very good. Martial law. Yep, first week. You're on to the plan.

When you came up with the moniker "smarterthanyou" you had in mind, whom?
"All kidding aside, these guys have left us in a God-awful place," he then said of the Bush regime, promptly wrapping up his remarks. "We have the ability to straighten it out. It's gonna take a little bit of time, so I ask you to stay with us. Stay with us."

This is how he wrapped up, and i think that this is absolutely correct, and i think that everyone knows it. I have heard Pat Buchanan posit that the R's would be relieved to lose this one, because the next president, no matter who it is, is going to be a one-termer due to the historic bush mess. We all know this bus isn't getting turned around over night. It took nearly eight years to take down the United States economy and destroy our reputation around the world, and to nearly decimate our military. Nearly eight years.

But the other stuff that Biden said is simply the stupidest shit I have ever seen a serious politiican spew. I think that he should be checked for a stroke. I understand he has been sent back to Deleware. I said during the primaries that I had noticed that Hillary, at 60, was showing signs of exhaustion. And that John McCain was no Hillary, and so I expected Obama's youth to be a huge plus in the damaging, brutal, schedule these candidates must keep. Biden is what, 65? Mental exhaustion might be playing a role, but it doesn't excuse this kind of fucking stupidity. I have no fucking idea what he is babbling about here. I've lost a lot of confidence in him, and I don't mean as a VP candidate, which is based on his ability to be a help to the ticket. I mean in his ability to be a leader should the need arise.

He sounds mentally fucking ill to me here.
It's really weird. I agree with that. But some of the stuff he was saying is really... well... I guess 'uncomfortable' would be the way to describe it.
It must feel good to know this is your base.

Oh the odds are very good. Martial law. Yep, first week. You're on to the plan.

When you came up with the moniker "smarterthanyou" you had in mind, whom?
You do know that STY isn't a Republican, right?
I'm fairly certain that I am on record here saying that Biden will be the gift that keeps on giving. I amaze even myself sometimes. :p
You do know that STY isn't a Republican, right?

I doubt that she does, damo. some people, probably darla as well, can only see left and right. if you aren't with us, you're against us. sometimes I think people like darla should really have gone in to binary computer programming. they would have never had to deal with the 2k issue then.
BTW... Some people are looking for links to the Biden remarks. Here is the longest text I have found (first post) to date.

I have heard more. I actually heard the full statement on the radio today. It really is just bad...

At one point he states how Catholic he is, then says "It's like St. Peter denied Christ three times, we don't want anybody denying Us when it gets hard." (paraphrased).
BTW... Some people are looking for links to the Biden remarks. Here is the longest text I have found (first post) to date.

I have heard more. I actually heard the full statement on the radio today. It really is just bad...

At one point he states how Catholic he is, then says "It's like St. Peter denied Christ three times, we don't want anybody denying Us when it gets hard." (paraphrased).

What you are implying I'm finding. What was there a few minutes ago is gone. Memory hole scenario, in real time. Doesn't make it real though, if it no longer exists? God help us all.