What We Can Learn from Conservatives


"What is the meaning of life? How should we relate to each other? Our families and communities? Other nations? God? The planet? What is good, and how do we recognize it? What is evil, and how should we respond?"

By Sara Robinson, TomPaine.com. Posted March 13, 2008

"Make no mistake: When the conservatives set out to take over America 30 years ago, they were working off of a well-thought-out plan."

"...Reading these plans now, as a progressive, it strikes me: We're now living in an America in which every institution is dominated by these guys. Every facet of our looming disaster was dictated by bankrupt conservative ideas; yet our very ability to visualize fresh alternatives has been constricted by the frames they deliberately laid around our language and discourse. Most of the country finds it hard to even contemplate or discuss our predicaments in anything but conservative terms. It's clear they've done more than merely mess up our country; they've also, quite intentionally, messed with our minds."

"...Fortunately, we're starting from a place of strength here. Progressive ideals are far more compelling -- and far more true to America's historical, political, and cultural legacies -- than conservative ones ever have been or will ever be."

Hey Mid good to see you.

I think the need for intelligent solutions is now the IN thing in politics.

The Rs will be back at the old "stop talking and do something" bullshit when their brains begin to hurt from all the thinkin.
LOL, yeah the last 30 years have been terrible with the high standards of living, low inflation and low unemployment we enjoyed. I wish it were the 60's and 70's again, those were the days.
The most valuable thing I have learned from "conservatives" is to flip what they say around 180 deg and it turns out right.