What White Democrats Really Think About Black Americans Read more


Of course, I've been saying this for years, but it's important to get other points of view on the table.

Read what this person thinks about the biggest fucking racists on the planet:

On any given day of the week, one can turn on the liberal media and hear how the Democratic Party is the one party that cares for black Americans. Liberal pundits such as Chris Matthews, Lawrence O’Donnell, and of course Al Sharpton are forever fighting the purportedly racist Republicans on behalf of black Americans.

Just a few weeks ago, Nancy Pelosi told Americans that Republicans were trying to take food out the mouths of black Americans by cutting food stamps. She then stated that 50% of food stamp recipients are black Americans.

And let us not forget that the Democrats are fighting hard against the supposedly racist voter ID laws on behalf of the poor blacks who are either unable or too stupid to get an ID card in 2014. When Newt Gingrich called President Obama “the food stamp President” during a presidential debate in 2012, both Chris Matthews and Lawrence O’Donnell immediately thought of black people and accused him of racism.

As a black American, it is infuriating for me to listen to white Democrats’ claims of helping blacks when all they are doing is making sure that blacks remain dependent upon Government handouts. That stance reveals what they really think about black Americans.

Read more: http://www.americanthinker.com/2014...hink_about_black_americans.html#ixzz484nEBTn8
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Liberals think blacks are helpless waifs who can't possibly get by without liberal compassion. They obviously think they are inferior. I which of course smacks of racism.

I of course think that if left to their own devices blacks can overcome their obstacles. Who cares if an employer won't hire you because you are black? Go find an employer that will hire you because you are GREAT. If the other employer doesn't hire you then it is their loss not yours. Do leftists think that white males get EVERY job they ever apply for? Do leftists think that white guys just show up and pull out their Male White Privilege card?

Now you will have to excuse me. Unlike Legion Troll, I have other things to do on this fine day and don't have all day to hang around here. I have trees to cut down, wood to split and stack
who do you think you effect with these stupid fucking lies asshole groomer

you already have the racist vote
he was a fucking racist just like you fucks

He put the policies you support in place which were to keep blacks voting dem fir a hundred years.
That makes you racist.
Glad you have admitted this character flaw. Perhaps one day you will learn blacks are not genetically inferior.
You, on the other hand.....
he was a fucking racist just like you fucks

He was a DEMOCRAT that supported exactly what we say Democrats do when it comes to black votes. Democrats don't care for the blacks as people just for the black VOTES.