What will be the next right wing generated buzz phrase?

The minority of the minority IS who the founders intended to empower.

Hell they lie all the time about the constitution and things like "we are NOT a democracy" so why not
Obamas took our debt ceiling weapon.

Man our butts hurt.

or something like that

Thing is, when he seizes 401Ks and IRAs it won't be restricted to non liberals!
He will seize yours too.
You will thank him for it of course, it's for your own good!!
Such fear, it is sad really to live that way.
No not fear, awareness.

You see Sotoro/Dunham/Obama promised not to go gun grabbing but he is gun grabbing.
Then he promised not to tax those earning under $250G but he taxed them anyway.
He said he wouldn't seize 401Ks and IRAs.
Given his record on keeping his word, I know that is his intention.
Millions have cashed out their plans.
With good reason!
No not fear, awareness.

You see Sotoro/Dunham/Obama promised not to go gun grabbing but he is gun grabbing.
Then he promised not to tax those earning under $250G but he taxed them anyway.
He said he wouldn't seize 401Ks and IRAs.
Given his record on keeping his word, I know that is his intention.
Millions have cashed out their plans.
With good reason!

It isn't true that millions have cashed out plans. You can't by law
Such fear, it is sad really to live that way.

Fear is a very valid emotion

Of course lefties always fear we are going to take their Ortho Novum and shut down their baby killing mills and push granny off a cliff and end Medicare as we know it and start a war with Iran

You see fear got Obamas base to the polls to vote
It isn't true that millions have cashed out plans. You can't by law
You can cash out either. 401k or IRA.
You just get pounded by fees and taxes.
About half!
Better to lose half than all of it!
Everyone I know has cashed out theirs, knowing full well what obamas real plan is!
Create more dependency, he models his admin on that of Tony B Liar !
He wants everyone in the USA to be dependent on his regime in some way!!
Dependency, the magic bean for totalitarians!
No not fear, awareness.

You see Sotoro/Dunham/Obama promised not to go gun grabbing but he is gun grabbing.
Then he promised not to tax those earning under $250G but he taxed them anyway.
He said he wouldn't seize 401Ks and IRAs.
Given his record on keeping his word, I know that is his intention.
Millions have cashed out their plans.
With good reason!

If you are referring to the SS withhold ing tax returning to pre "vacation" levels that is not an increase.

And yes all oliticians lie, Bush lied, Reagan lied, Cllinton lied, Obama lied, etc.
If you believe any of them tell only the truth YOU are the fool.

Millions cased out their 401K's?
Too bad we did not privatize SS they could have cased that out too, to boost the economy ;)

Idiot, people have no jobs and such and are broke so they cash out their 401k's.
If they could do that with SS they would .
You can cash out either. 401k or IRA.
You just get pounded by fees and taxes.
About half!
Better to lose half than all of it!
Everyone I know has cashed out theirs, knowing full well what obamas real plan is!
Create more dependency, he models his admin on that of Tony B Liar !
He wants everyone in the USA to be dependent on his regime in some way!!
Dependency, the magic bean for totalitarians!

I think it is a 15% penalty on the fed protion on top of regular taxes.
If you are referring to the SS withhold ing tax returning to pre "vacation" levels that is not an increase.

And yes all oliticians lie, Bush lied, Reagan lied, Cllinton lied, Obama lied, etc.
If you believe any of them tell only the truth YOU are the fool.
I'm referring to obamas plan to seize IRAs and 401Ks in order to fund the money pit that is SS.