What will be the score?


Eagle, Globe, and Anchor
If Obama wins the Democrat nomination and runs against McCain in November, what will be the final popular vote and what will be the final Electorial College count?

If Hillary wins the Democrat nomination and runs against McCain in November, what will be the final popular vote and what will be the final Electorial College count?

Just asking for predictions. It does not matter what candidate you like or hate.
Obama v McCain:
Obama 51%, McCain 47%
Obama 282, McCain 256

Clinton v McCain:
Clinton 46%, McCain 48%
Clinton 253, McCain 285
What's weird about this election is that McCain could bring California into play for the Republicans (pretty much impossible for the dems no matter what if that happens).

Obama brings southern states with large black populations into play... like Virginia, I even heard someone say Mississippi is a possibility.

Hillary pretty much only strengthens wins in states that will already go Democratic. Then again, there is Ohio...