What will Obama say to change his mind?

"They have invented a myth that Jews were massacred and place this above God, religions and the prophets".

"Supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei supports Ahmadinejad's calls for Israel's elimination."

"Tehran-based political analyst Mahmoud Alinejad said the president could feel his speeches strengthen Iran diplomatically."

"There is a perception, based on past experience that only when Iran threatens and pushes does the West back off," he told Reuters.


"In response the United Nations sanctions, Ahmadinejad announced to the West, "I want you to know that the Iranian nation has humiliated you many times, and it will humiliate you in the future."

"As of June 2007, attempts at negotiations with Iran remained at an impasse."

Ahmadinejad said that "this regime that is occupying Qods [Jerusalem] must be eliminated from the pages of history."

His speech inspired thousands of Iranians to stage an anti-Israel protest on 28 October 2005. The protesters chanted "Death to Israel, death to America" while they trampled and burned Israeli and American flags. International condemnation followed.

"Ahmadinejad stood by his rhetoric and responded that the Western nations "are free to talk, but their words have no validity."

On 08 December 2005, Ahmadinejad gave a speech at the summit of Muslim nations to again condemn the existence of Israel.

What will Obama do differently that will succeed where so many others have failed?

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Obama has no real plan.

He talks about "change," but doesn't actually explain what he means by that.

"Change" is subjective.

No worries though, I've never been more convinced that he'll lose in November.
McCain has no real plan.

He talks about "change," but doesn't actually explain what he means by that.

"Change" is subjective.

No worries though, I've never been more convinced that he'll lose in November.
Maybe Obama won't have to say anything to change Ahmadinejad's mind.

With Iranian Presidential elections being held in 2009 maybe Iran will have a brand new crazy man for Obama to have a cup of tea with or McCain to blow up.
Maybe Obama won't have to say anything to change Ahmadinejad's mind.

With Iranian Presidential elections being held in 2009 maybe Iran will have a brand new crazy man for Obama to have a cup of tea with or McCain to blow up.

Elections in Iran? Surely you jest? You foreigners pick up some strange ideas. If Iran has elections, why would they need America to liberate them, answer us that, English boy?
Nothing ventured, nothing gained, indie.

It's friggin' hilarious that you & the rest of the right-wing hacks are so terrified to speak to people, as though it's some sort of mortal sin. History is filled with talks between enemies that have yielded success. Do you ever study it?
So none of you have any idea. Interesting.

Well if you're going to ask what a man who hasn't been elected President is going to say to a man who may not be President for much longer, at some time in the future, then you shouldn't expect much of an answer.
What possibly could the United States of America have to offer Iran? It's not as though we're a giant rich country and they're a medium sized middle income country. And it's not as if we have military forces in two of Iran's neighbors and maintain sanctions on Iran that hurt their economy. It isn't as though our closest ally in the country is a rich nation with a power military establishment and nuclear weapons, while their closest allies in the region are non-state militia groups.

I mean, maybe if all that were true we'd have plenty to offer Iran that would be valuable to them insofar as they're willing to change their behavior in ways that are valuable to us. But we're just the lowly United States of America.
Maybe Obama will throw Israel under the bus, after he surrenders to Al Qaeda in Iraq.

Who gives a shit about Israel you fucking traitor? Start acting like an American. We are not electing a President for Tel Aviv. If you love Israel so much, move there. You whining mf’ers. What about Isrraaeelllllll. Shut up! Am I on here whining “Well what about Frannnnncceeeee”? No. I’m an American voting in an election for a President of MY country. If you hate America so much, leave.
Who gives a shit about Israel you fucking traitor? Start acting like an American. We are not electing a President for Tel Aviv. If you love Israel so much, move there. You whining mf’ers. What about Isrraaeelllllll. Shut up! Am I on here whining “Well what about Frannnnncceeeee”? No. I’m an American voting in an election for a President of MY country. If you hate America so much, leave.


Isn't it just horrifically frightening how much wingnut extremist like irreputable hate America?
So you agree with Obama supporter Louis Farrakhan, who said "The real anti-Semites are those who came out of Europe and settled in Palestine, and now they call themselves the true Jews, when in fact, they converted to Judaism” ?

From an Al Jazeera TV interview, 3/18/07