What Would Republican Jesus Do?

Into Тhe Night

Banned Spoof Account
A few quotes from Republican Bible:

When Republican Jesus came down from the hill, great crowds followed him. Then a man with a skin disease came to Republican Jesus. The man bowed down before him and said, “Lord, you can heal me if you will.”

Republican Jesus reached out his hand and touched the man and said, “It’s a pre-existing condition. Sorry.”

As evening approached, the disciples came to him and said, “This is a remote place, and it’s already getting late. Send the crowds away, so they can go to the villages and buy themselves some food.”

Republican Jesus replied, “They do not need to go away. You give them something to eat, but only feed those who pass a drug test. Also, be careful not to feed them a whole lot, because they really should stop being lazy and get some jobs if they don't want to be poor.”

And then Republican Jesus said, “I've multiplied the bread and fish, and now behold: I shall sell it at a 70% markup and make wicked profits.”
A few quotes from Republican Bible:

A few quotes from Republican Bible:
You can only mock Christianity through mischaracterization and misrepresentation, whereas I can mock your Climate Change religion without changing a single thing.

Have a great day.
and the Demmycrat Sadducees and Pharisees proclaimed the skin diseased man a health crisis and demanded the entire Judean countryside to be isolated and everyone masked until taxes could be raised to support the goyim who would be permitted to cross the River Jordan illegally and live in homeless shelters in the Temple......
I was just agreeing...


The OP and the critic each have someone with whom to agree.
Only in America, I suppose.

I've got meds to pick up at the apothecary today.
To get there, I have to pass the donut shop.

Donuts. Meds. It's indeed a complementary universe.
You can only mock Christianity through mischaracterization and misrepresentation, whereas I can mock your Climate Change religion without changing a single thing.

Have a great day.

1. I'm not mocking Christianity, you dense jackass. I'm mocking Republican Christian hypocrisy.

2. You don't even grasp climate science.

The OP and the critic each have someone with whom to agree.
Only in America, I suppose.

I've got meds to pick up at the apothecary today.
To get there, I have to pass the donut shop.

Donuts. Meds. It's indeed a complementary universe.
Whenever I see that our word come into play I feel the need
Stock up on Donuts... to find out why... it's always the same reason;) stock up on Donuts... then you can sit back and relax for a couple days... let those meds work
You can only mock Christianity through mischaracterization and misrepresentation, whereas I can mock your Climate Change religion without changing a single thing.

Have a great day.

How can this fraud change his screen name to one already in use?
Into Тhe Night;5803845 said:
2. You don't even grasp climate science.
I don't believe in Climate Science (names are properly capitalized) because I am an atheist.

You should try learning science. Even learning the basics would do you good. As an example, no body of matter can spontaneously increase in temperature without additional energy. Your Global Warming dogma violates this law. I know, I know, it's the wondrous miracle of your faith, like Jesus returning to life is for Christians. Religions like their miracles. I get it.

Let me know if you ever want to learn any science or math. That I do know.
Into Тhe Night;5803845 said:
1. I'm not mocking Christianity, you dense jackass.
1. You most certainly are mocking all Christians, O' she whose colon receiveth a solid pummeling, by portraying Jesus as behaving in a very un-Christian manner just by being a member of a political party.